Mind On The Job Podcast
Mind On The Job
Dr Ben Searle
Assessment for selection: Insights into effective hiring. #04 - episode of Mind On The Job podcast

Assessment for selection: Insights into effective hiring. #04

25 minutes Posted Aug 31, 2023 at 1:18 am.
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People are an organisation’s greatest asset, and from time to time, an organisation needs new people. But when a bunch of candidates apply for the one job, how do we work out who is the best person for the job? What are the limitations of traditional job interviews? What use are psychometric assessments? What differentiates executive selection from entry-level selection?

Organizational psychologists are known for their expertise in this area. So to answer these questions, Ben chats to organisational psychology experts Dr Patrick Dunlop (University of Western Australia) and Ms Jamie Sims (People Measures).

Go to MindOnTheJob.com for more resources on this topic.

update: This episode vanished for some reason -- if you can read this, the missing episode has been republished. 


Mind on the Job

Created, presented & produced by Dr Ben Searle (@drbensearle)

Episode 04: Assessment for Selection: Insights into Effective Hiring

Guests: Dr Patrick Dunlop and Ms Jamie Sims

Music is Cypher by Kevin Macleod

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