Microblogger Interviews: Online business, blogging, entrepreneurship and wealth building Podcast
Microblogger Interviews: Online business, blogging, entrepreneurship and wealth building
Jim Wang: blogger, online entrepreneur, investor
MBP #27: How Bob Lotich Married His Faith & His Finances to 55,000+ Subscribers - episode of Microblogger Interviews: Online business, blogging, entrepreneurship and wealth building podcast

MBP #27: How Bob Lotich Married His Faith & His Finances to 55,000+ Subscribers

40 minutes Posted Jun 30, 2014 at 4:01 am.
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Bob Lotich, Christian PFEveryone agrees that differentiation is crucial.

If you want to avoid being another face in the crowd, you have to stand out. This means you have to figure out what makes you different and showcase it to the world.

Sometimes that means you’ll have to do a little, or a lot, more work.

When Bob Lotich started ChristianPF, he was one of the first bloggers, certainly within the personal finance community, to put his faith front and center. You could argue that being “Christian” is very general but by simply putting it in the name of his site, he stood out.

By being “different,” it helped his blog grow… but it also came with a cost.

This was an issue that was touched on briefly in my chat with Jason Leake in MBP#8. With 100DaysofRealFood, Jason had to be diligent about what companies were advertising on a site that celebrated a life with zero processed foods. Bob was faced with the same issue and had a very clever way of solving it.

What will you learn in this episode:

  • Why Bob started ChristianPF.com when he was dead broke and was at his lowest (to how it evolved to what it is today)
  • The importance and value of differentiation, even if Bob didn’t approach it with that in mind
  • How that differentiation may limit your business
  • How he monitored ad networks so he didn’t show ads that were against his message
  • The premium ad networks on ChristianPF
  • How he started a financial adviser/planner directory…
  • … and how a coaching service evolved out of that.
  • Discusses the pressure of being a steward of the 55,000+ members of ChristianPF
  • How he started writing books & ebooks/Kindle books
  • How he finds staff/freelance writers that can write with the same message
  • Learn the 1st and 2nd thing he’d tell himself on Day One (they’re both really really good but his #2 is not one a lot of people talk about)

Resources and links mentioned in this chat:

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