Mental Health Matters :Finding the missing pieces. Podcast

Mental Health Matters :Finding the missing pieces.

Diving deep into discussions surrounding all matters pertaining to Mental Health. Your life of truth and fulfillment begins when you find the pieces that fit correctly into YOUR puzzle. You are worth it! You deserve it! Your mental health matters!
Suicide. Remembering Cheslie Kryst.
Discussion of suicide, and remembering Cheslie Kryst on the one year anniversary of her suicide.
Jan 30, 2023
4 min
In this episode I discuss the most common types of depression, which are, clinical depression, persistent depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, bipolar 2 disorder, and postpartum depression.
Jan 26, 2023
7 min
Practicing Mental Wellness
“Disregarding your mental health is like attempting to drive a car with a failing engine. You need time-ups just like your vehicle and yours are more important”
Jan 13, 2023
3 min
The BIPOC community’s Barriers to mental health care
This episode discusses the BIPOC community and the many barriers to mental health access including stigmas.
Jan 6, 2023
4 min
Mental Health Matters Daily
In recent years there has been an increasing acknowledgment regarding the importance the role of mental health plays on an individuals overall health and well-being. Mental health should be a daily topic not just a topic when celebrities commit suicide or there are jaw-dropping crimes on social media.
Jan 6, 2023
1 min