Dr. Robert Watkins, III and IV take care of the Lakers, Rams, Clippers, and Kings. Their work is valued not only by professional athletes but also by thousands of people who fly in to see them from around the country. Dr. Watkins, IV took his time deciding to become a doctor and then more years choosing the same field of spine surgery as his father. Now at the Marina Spine Center, they’ve been operating together for 16 years, the younger doctor specializing in computer-generated navigation and minimally-invasive surgeries of the spine. He’s so pleased that they can now place screws precisely in the correct spot for maximum results with absolute minimal opening of the body’s tissues for access. He created a Back Doctor App, which 75,000 people have downloaded to follow for relief from back pain around the world. His Back Doctor podcast lets listeners learn the basics of the spine work performed by both the Watkins doctors. This introspective interview shows a doctor of high intensity, enthusiasm, and desire to help his fellows – he wants people all over to have immediate access to the crucial information he knows with the click of a button. He wants his educated patients to ask him tough questions so they can have a true discussion.
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