Meditate on This Podcast
Meditate on This
Angela Accomando
011:Unlock Your Mind to Unlock Your Potential with Detective Dave DeLaRosa - episode of Meditate on This podcast

011:Unlock Your Mind to Unlock Your Potential with Detective Dave DeLaRosa

41 minutes Posted May 7, 2020 at 3:00 pm.
What brought Dave to meditation.4:30 Dave talks about how meditation changed his life.5:49 I can detach from my thoughts & have the thoughts I wanna have.6:14 I'm able to analyze my thoughts & I can choose to accept them as my own.9:58 Meditation is to know thy self.10:03 When I meditate I get to understand what the triggers are that make me angry, sad or upset & understand where they're coming from.10:26 Your pruning the neurological brain to the connection of the emotion.11:47 Most of us are living in an unconscious program.16:12 Meditation is like taking a shower for your mind.16:43 Meditation has given me the ability to slow my thinking process down & get a fuller picture of what is happening in a case.27:57 Everything is figureoutable as long as you ask for help. You can find Dave DeLaRosa on Facebook, IG: @dave_delarosa204 or email [email protected] mentioned: Million Mind Intensive Joe Dispenza 6 Phase MeditationMindValleyEmily Fletcher
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First Responder & Coach Detective Dave DeLaRosa talks about his journey to meditation. Dave takes us through his journey of the benefits meditation has provided him.  A few things you won;t want to miss are:1:40 What brought Dave to meditation.4:30 Dave talks about how meditation changed his life.5:49 I can detach from my thoughts & have the thoughts I wanna have.6:14 I'm able to analyze my thoughts & I can choose to accept them as my own.9:58 Meditation is to know thy self.10:03 When I meditate I get to understand what the triggers are that make me angry, sad or upset & understand where they're coming from.10:26 Your pruning the neurological brain to the connection of the emotion.11:47 Most of us are living in an unconscious program.16:12 Meditation is like taking a shower for your mind.16:43 Meditation has given me the ability to slow my thinking process down & get a fuller picture of what is happening in a case.27:57 Everything is figureoutable as long as you ask for help. You can find Dave DeLaRosa on Facebook, IG: @dave_delarosa204 or email [email protected] mentioned: Million Mind Intensive Joe Dispenza 6 Phase MeditationMindValleyEmily Fletcher