My final thoughts for those starting residency in two months, including my best wishes for everyone starting this amazing journey of medicine!
Apr 18, 2020
11 min
Starting anything new is difficult especially a career as a new physician. Watch this episode to learn the mistakes I made early in my training and how I managed to turn it all around to start appreciating what was in front of me. Will detail ways in staying organized from presenting patients to doing admissions and more.
Apr 16, 2020
18 min
We have all doubted ourselves both in our premedical days, medical school, residency and outside of our career paths but in this episode I will show you why that has only been detrimental to you AND how we can change that. Join me as I discuss the power of the mind in providing ways in changing your destination and turning your life around by simply showing love towards yourself and others. A simple thought with huge implications in which we live our life. I show you my own journey in residency and how I struggled with imposter syndrome but have managed to see the positivity in it and so can you. Be the change that you seek and the future will be bright.
Apr 14, 2020
36 min
In this episode, I discuss tips how to present ICU patients succinctly and provide a framework in thinking about presentations! Grab some coffee and enjoy!
Apr 11, 2020
23 min
A few key lessons I learned as an intern and a second year internal medicine resident
-Never tell a lie
-Respect everyone in the hospital
-Be open to feedback
-Realize that you don't know anything...yet and it is okay
-Help others
Also shared a tips on presenting patients in the wards!
Apr 8, 2020
23 min
In this episode, I will explain how to make your last few months of medical school successful so that you can succeed during inter year.
During this episode discussion will revolve around:
-Ways of balancing your life with residency
-Tips on how to bring wellness
-Imposter syndrome and how detrimental it can be
-Finding yourself during this journey of becoming a clinician
Apr 5, 2020
15 min
Discussion of ARDS diagnosis, management, and clinical trials
-Pathophysiology of ARDS
-Management guidelines including clinical trials that helped make those guidelines
-COVID19 specific ARDS management
-Will discuss briefly my intern podcast series
Apr 4, 2020
32 min
Welcome to Medical Chalk Talks, I’ll be your host! I am a second year resident physician finishing my Internal Medicine residency and planning on going onto Pulmonary Critical care.
Mar 28, 2020
26 min
On this first episode of Medical Chalk Talks I introduce myself and start our conversation about COVID19.
The episode is split into various sections covering:
1. COVID19 nomenclature and physiology
2. COVID19 clinical presentation and diagnostic information for screening
3. Imaging and what to do if it is negative
4. Some helpful overview of current COVID19 medication regimens being used or undergoing clinical trials
Mar 26, 2020
16 min