Mathetes at George Fox University Podcast

Mathetes at George Fox University

Hannah Lee
Mathetes is Greek for student or disciple. At George Fox, we hold quarterly panels on controversial topics in hopes to learn how to discuss political issues, current events, reconciliation, and the church.
Symbolism - How do we honor God as we promote our beliefs?
In our second Mathetes panel, held November 10th, 2020, we discussed symbolism - what it is, why we react to symbols emotionally, and how to honor God while standing up for what we believe.
Feb 2, 2021
1 hr 8 min
White Supremacy in the White American Church
This Mathetes panel From January 25th, 2021 discussed white supremacy and its roots in the church.
Feb 2, 2021
1 hr 20 min
What is the Christian's role in protest?
For our first 2020 Mathetes panel, we discussed protest - what it is, how the church has been involved, and the Christian's call to protest.
Oct 14, 2020
1 hr 13 min