Material Girls Podcast Podcast
Material Girls Podcast
"When Collages Get Birthmarks" with Marnie Weber - episode of Material Girls Podcast podcast

"When Collages Get Birthmarks" with Marnie Weber

49 minutes Posted Apr 15, 2020 at 6:24 pm.
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When Collages Get Birthmarks with Marnie Weber


Ep. 11


On today's episode of the Material Girls Podcast Lucy and Kelly interview performance and video artist Marnie Weber. Marnie teaches the two hosts what glue to use when making archival collages, the best places to get elderly masks and handmade clown clothes, and how she moved from playing music for beer to the LA performance art scene. Come listen to get a sneak peek into Marnie’s upcoming video piece and some background on what it takes to make a feature-length art film. Scroll through to see images of Marnie’s work and a look inside how she organizes her studio and years of costume storage! Shout outs: YES! glue for being kick-ass in the long run and Halloween Town in Burbank for being open 364 days a year.