Masters Of Dread Podcast

Masters Of Dread

Josh & Brian
The Masters of Dread takes a look at some of the best (and worst) of the horror genre. Brian and Josh discuss their likes, dislikes, and everything in-between from the world of horror.
Episode 04 - It's Time To Get Slashing!
This week, let's dive into a staple of the horror genre: The Slasher flick. What are some of our favorites, and why? Why has the slasher genre lasted so long?
Oct 4, 2021
43 min
Episode 03 - Worst of the Worst
What makes a horror movie bad? What are some of the terrible horror films that we just can't look away from? Listen and explore some of our Best of the Worst movies!
Sep 27, 2021
43 min
Episode 02 - Required Top 5 Episode
In this episode of The Masters of Dread podcast, get to know Josh and Brian a little better with their top 5 horror movies.
Sep 20, 2021
51 min
Episode 01 - The Masters of Dread Get Started
Welcome to the Masters of Dread Podcast! Brian and Josh kick off the show with a few introductions and why we love the horror genre. A discussion of our favorite movies and what makes them memorable. Also: ghosts! Josh has ghosts!
Sep 13, 2021
33 min