Marriedpreneur Life Podcast

Marriedpreneur Life

O.L. & Sway Buckley
Marriedpreneur Life, the podcast, is a weekly podcast where we -O.L. and Sway Buckley- Marriedpreneur Mentors, share our journey on all things marriage, marketplace and ministry. After 20 years of friendship + 10 years of marriage AND doing business the WRONG way, we’re now sharing our lessons of living purposefully and profitably in sync the RIGHT way- God’s way. Doing business with brands/influencers like CHASE Bank, Mark Cuban and in wealth management, we’re bringing it all to the table.
S3 Ep46: Lean into the vision…
Who is this episode for? This episode is for Marriedpreneurs who know they're not where they desire to be this time of year but are not willing to go into the new year the same way. You’re ready to lean all the way into the vision God have you. Join us on this episode! Below are the highlight timestamps in Season 3 Episode 46 of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast: [05:46] The challenges and rewards of live events. (... and the importance of having systems and a clear vision in place.) [08:41] How to overcome the “points of resistance”. [09:45] Why your business needs the Marriedpreneur operating system. [11:34] Lean on God as you lean into the vision. [15:59] Enjoying the Journey Together: Get practical steps to see traction FAST! By the time you finish listening to this episode, you will be encouraged and will know the actionable, practical steps needed as you go into the new year with your big vision. ENJOYING THE JOURNEY TOGETHER Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: First, sit down with your spouse and determine what that big goal is. Don't confuse clarity with the how-to. Second, back it up. Back it up with action, back it up with a system. Third, learn how to tweak along the way. Finally, get the Marriedpreneur operating systems checklist and implement them. WHAT’S NEXT? Do you want to build out the systems that will greatly benefit you and your spouse? You can download our Marriedpreneur Operating Systems Checklist here! 💥💥Do you have your Annual Marriedpreneur Strategic Plan?💥💥 If not.. What if we offered to show you how to build a 2023 Marriedpreneur Strategic plan that frees 20+ hours a month while accelerating profits by 5x (without overwhelm and burnout…even if you’re working a 9-5) Would you take us up on that offer? If yes,  schedule a Complimentary Systems Assessment HERE Lastly, if the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you! Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync, OL  + SWAY
Dec 15, 2022
26 min
S3 EP45: 4 Ways To Prioritize Priorities As Marriedpreneurs
Who is this episode for? This episode is for Marriedpreneurs who feel torn about what to do first or unsure about how to order their day and often feel unfulfilled. Real Quick: The beauty of marriage is that you have a built-in accountability partner for your marriage goals. Prioritizing your marriage allows you to fulfill your vision and mission. A simple act like this can have significant benefits in terms of deepening your connection, guiding your marriage in the direction you want, and ultimately helping you prioritize each other. Join us on this episode as we go through the 4 ways to prioritize priorities as Marriedpreneurs. Below are the highlight timestamps in episode Season 3 Episode 45 of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast: [04:58] What will happen if we are not prioritizing our priorities? [09:36] Why should the priority must be articulated to your spouse? [13:06] The importance of why priority must be agreed upon. [13:46] Why priority must be attached? [18:17] Enjoying the Journey Together: Get practical steps to see traction FAST! By the time you finish listening to this episode, you will have the know-how for living each day without surrendering control to distractions but instead focusing on priorities. ENJOYING THE JOURNEY TOGETHER Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: First, avoid distractions going into the year, but also you will start the year on the same page. It's time for you to hold yourself or your spouse accountable. Second, trust one another. Call out one another in a loving way and receive it without giving pushback or becoming defensive. WHAT’S NEXT? Are you looking for practicable powerful ways for stewarding your time better without getting a headache? Listen to our previous episode “S3 Ep28: How to Optimize Your Time and Set Priorities Together for Maximum Results” to finally be able to learn how to establish clear priorities and manage your time efficiently. 💥💥Do you have your Annual Marriedpreneur Strategic Plan?💥💥 If not.. What if we offered to show you how to build a 2023 Marriedpreneur Strategic plan that frees 20+ hours a month while accelerating profits by 5x (without overwhelm and burnout…even if you’re working a 9-5) Would you take us up on that offer? If yes,  schedule a Complimentary Systems Assessment HERE Lastly, if the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you! Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync, OL  + SWAY
Dec 8, 2022
24 min
S3 Ep44: Tim Ross on The Husbands’ Huddle: Prioritizing Life as Husband In Marketplace & Ministry
Who is this episode for? This episode is for husbands as Marriedpreneurs who may be struggling to reconcile their priorities as a husband with the demands of their call to the marketplace and/or ministry. Real Quick: As husbands, having a clear view of your priorities helps you determine what's truly important to you, rather than what someone else thinks you should prioritize. It will help you to detangle the pressures and to clarify the priorities that are essential to being the husband and the Marriedpreneurs that we are called to be. Join us on this episode of the “Husbands Huddle” featuring my best friend of 25 years, Tim Ross, host of the podcast The Basement with Tim Ross, who shares his firsthand experience as a marriedpreneur on finding the balance between your priorities as a husband and the demands of your career. Below are the highlight timestamps: [06:21] What are the priorities a husband should have? (Let’s hear Tim’s priority during his transitional season.) [11:29] How to set up your priorities when it comes to building an organization or building a team. [14:50] Are men often overestimating or underestimating what it takes to build? [17:46] As husbands, do you think that when building and in marriage, that pressure is par for the course? Or do you think that pressure is largely manufactured? [19:42] How should husbands talk to their wives about pressure? [21:20] Is prayer overrated? Hear what Tim has to say. [24:39] Can our wives' personality type add pressure when building? [28:55] Can people change? [34:45] Ways to connect with Tim Ross. [36:33] Enjoying the Journey Together: Get practical steps to see traction FAST! By the time you finish listening to this episode, you will gain some insight into the heart to talk about issues paired with courageous and practical solutions about how to build what you've been called to build with your wife. ETJT Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: Husbands, the most important thing is to write your thoughts out clearly. Sit down with a blank piece of paper and write them out. Write yourself clear and then pray. Second, talk with your wife about both what is working and what isn't working. Come into agreement with your wife, and then get consensus from wise counsel. WHAT’S NEXT? Are you looking for practicable powerful ways for stewarding your time better without getting a headache? Listen to our previous episode “How to Optimize Your Time and Set Priorities Together for Maximum Results” to finally be able to learn how to establish clear priorities and manage your time efficiently. If yes,  grab your free Marriedpreneur checklist  HERE Lastly, if the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you! Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync, OL  + SWAY
Dec 1, 2022
39 min
S3 Ep43: 5 Signs You’re Building From A Reactive Mode, And How To Stop It.
Who is this episode for? This episode is for Marriedpreneurs who are exhausted with operating the business on a deadline-to-deadline basis and want an easier way to build. Real Quick: As Marriedpreneurs, deadlines are crucial to accomplishing both big and small goals — be it in business or in marriage. Nevertheless, building in constant reactive mode with those deadlines is draining and not sustainable. . Join us on this episode as we go through the FIVE signs you might be building from a reactive mode (and how to stop it). Below are the highlight timestamps in episode Season 3 Episode 43 of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast: [04:38] The first sign of building from a reactive mode. [05:28] The second sign of building from a reactive mode. [06:37] The third sign of building from a reactive mode. [08:09] The fourth sign of building from a reactive mode. [09:38] The fifth sign of building from a reactive mode. [12:42] Enjoying the Journey Together: Get practical steps to see traction FAST! By the time you finish listening to this episode, you should be able to see the subtleties of the Shiny Object Syndrome while providing real and simple solutions for recovering focus so you can live with intentionality. ENJOYING THE JOURNEY TOGETHER Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: First, take a stop and acknowledge how you are truly feeling about the business and the marriage. Second, come together and share the talk with each other about how you feel, and how you feel like if you don't fix this, you're going to end up. WHAT’S NEXT? Are you looking for practicable powerful ways for stewarding your time better without getting a headache? Listen to our previous episode “S3 Ep28: How to Optimize Your Time and Set Priorities Together for Maximum Results” to finally be able to learn how to establish clear priorities and manage your time efficiently. 💥💥Do you have your Annual Marriedpreneur Strategic Plan?💥💥 If not.. What if we offered to show you how to build a 2023 Marriedpreneur Strategic plan that frees 20+ hours a month while accelerating profits by 5x (without overwhelm and burnout…even if you’re working a 9-5) Would you take us up on that offer? If yes,  schedule a Complimentary Systems Assessment HERE Lastly, if the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you! Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync,
Nov 24, 2022
18 min
S3 Ep42: 9 Traits of Passive vs. Peak Performing Married Entrepreneurs
Who is this episode for? This episode is for Marriedpreneurs who SAY they're committed to growth but aren't seeing the results they desire and are ready to make a change. Real Quick: Let’s get right to the point, the primary difference between passive business owners vs. peak performing marriedpreneurs comes down to a decision to be better. After that decision comes daily decisions that line up with that new identity. But what exactly does that look like? n this episode, we’re sharing 9 distinct traits between passive business owners vs. peak performing marriedpreneurs. You might be surprised by what you hear. Below are the highlight timestamps in episode Season 3 Episode 42 of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast: [02:16] What is a passive business owner? What does it look like to be peak-performing marriedpreneurs? [08:06] The nine distinguishing traits for passive business owners are [16:35] What commitment means and how it is intricately connected to identity? [18:35] What does it mean to be a “peak-performing” business owner? By the time you finish listening to this episode, we hope that you will find this as a rich resource for your journey to becoming a peak-performing marriedpreneur. ENJOYING THE JOURNEY TOGETHER Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: Take the time to buy yourself individually, review this, listen and audit, be very honest, because that's what it takes to have a successful audit, you got to be honest about where you are. WHAT’S NEXT? Once you’ve done a self audit together regarding the 2 identities, you might be in for a surprise. But that's great, because it’s an opportunity for you all to get on the same page and hold one another accountable moving forward. 💥💥Do you have your Annual Marriedpreneur Strategic Plan ready?💥💥 If not..  WHAT IF  WE OFFERED TO SHOW YOU HOW TO BUILD A  2023  STRATEGIC BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAP THAT WILL FREE 20+ WORK HOURS MONTHLY & ACCELERATE PROFITS BY 5X (WITHOUT OVERWHELM & BURNOUT… EVEN IF YOU'RE WORKING A 9-5) WOULD YOU TAKE US UP ON THAT OFFER? If yes,  schedule a Complimentary Systems Assessment HERE Lastly, if the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you! Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync, OL  + SWAY
Nov 17, 2022
23 min
S3 Ep41: Think Equity Executive Team Interview: See How The Marriedpreneur Operating Systems Transformed Their Business
This episode is for Marriedpreneurs who are preoccupied with the day-to-day of running their businesses and haven't taken the time to implement a strategic plan for growth with up-level systems for 2023. The benefits of having an effective system include greater efficiency, productivity, clarity, consistency, and control — by reducing decision-making time, an effective system promotes efficiency and high-level productivity. Wouldn't it be great if there was a system that could help you protect your healthy marriage while optimizing your business? You are in for a treat as we feature our special guests from The Think Equity Executive Team out of Savannah, GA. Listen in as they share their fascinating story of launching earlier this year and partnering with their husbands in the business. They have experienced a powerful transformation after implementing the Marriedpreneur operating systems and they’re still reaping the benefits! Highlight timestamps in this episode: [05:32] Tiffany, Valencia, Ray, and Robert share their Marriedpreneur journey and how Think Equity was founded. [11:35] What was the impact of Marriedpreneur operating systems on their Marriedpreneur journey? [17:32] The husbands’ point of view — how the Marriedpreneur operating systems helped Ray and Robert balance the business and marriage. [20:30] A few words of advice for husbands and wives who haven't tried Marriedpreneur operating systems yet. [21:43] The lightning round! [25:03] How we normally do our Marriedpreneur operating systems coaching. [30:12] Enjoying the Journey Together: Get practical steps to see traction FAST! By the time you finish listening to this episode, our hope is that you’ll be encouraged and inspired by the transformation shared.  You’ll also have deeper insight of how having a strategic Marriedpreneur plan for 2023 will not only set a clear course for your marriage growth, but also a solid plan for business growth that doesn't compete with the marriage, but it complements the marriage. ETJT Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: In order to be able to finish the year strong, together with your spouse, you’ll want to complete these TWO actionable steps: #1, prioritize your day-to-day tasks. How it looks and break it down. #2 implement it every day. It needs to be a culture in your marriage. WHAT’S NEXT? Looking for tips to guide you through the highly effective actionable steps on how to steward your time better without stress? Listen to our previous episode “S3 Ep28” to learn the Time Stewarding Triangle. In this episode, you’ll learn the glaring signs that you may not be trusting God in business (even though you may think you are) and the 3 powerful tools to building trust in God as you two build your business legacy. Do you have your strategic 2023 business plan ready? If not..  WHAT IF WE OFFERED TO SHOW YOU HOW TO BUILD A  2023  STRATEGIC BUSINESS SYSTEMS MAP THAT WILL FREE 20+ WORK HOURS MONTHLY & ACCELERATE PROFITS BY 5X (WITHOUT OVERWHELM & BURNOUT... EVEN IF YOU'RE WORKING A 9-5) WOULD YOU TAKE US UP ON THAT OFFER? If yes,  Apply to join right HERE Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync, OL  + SWAY
Nov 10, 2022
30 min
S3 Ep40: Before You Give Up…
Who is this episode for? This episode is for Marriedpreneurs who feel like giving up due to a lack of business growth Real Quick: Being an marriedpreneur can be challenging like anything else in life. It can be overwhelming because building a profitable business is a process, not something that happens overnight. THERE IS NO SHORTCUT. In this episode we’re gonna guide you through a five-part diagnostic that will help you regain and increase your confidence, get the clarity that you need, and finally redirect your efforts towards profitability, in a wise way. Below are the highlight timestamps in episode Season 3 Episode 40 of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast: [07:09] Number one in the diagnostic. [10:08] Number two in the diagnostic. [11:39] Number three in the diagnostic. [13:01] Number four in the diagnostic. [14:59] Number five in the diagnostic. [17:12] Enjoying the Journey Together: Get practical steps to see traction FAST! By the time you finish listening to this episode, you will be able to learn the five-part diagnostic that will encourage and redirect your efforts towards profitability. ENJOYING THE JOURNEY TOGETHER Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: In order to be able to finish the year strong, together with your spouse, you’ll want to complete these TWO actionable steps: First, together with your spouse, do a five part diagnostic honestly, and then commit to checking each item. You want to have all eyes dotted and all T's crossed because that's how you're going to know how to move forward and get out of the slump of wanting or feeling like you want to give up. Second, keep it super simple. WHAT’S NEXT? Looking for tips to guide you through the highly effective actionable steps on how to steward your time better without stress? You can listen to our previous episode “S3 Ep28: How to Optimize Your Time and Set Priorities Together for Maximum Results” to learn the Time Stewarding Triangle. In this episode, you’ll learn the glaring signs that you may not be trusting God in business (even though you may think you are) and the three powerful tools to building trust in God as you two build your business legacy. 💥💥Do you have your 2023 business plan ready? 💥💥 If not, the Start S.T.R.O.N.G Elite Mentoring has you covered! It’s a high-level success-mapping & implementation accelerator for married entrepreneurs. Apply to join right HERE Lastly, if the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you! Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync, OL  + SWAY
Nov 3, 2022
21 min
S3 Ep43: 5 Signs You’re Building From A Reactive Mode, And How To Stop It.
Who is this episode for? This episode is for Marriedpreneurs who are exhausted with operating the business on a deadline-to-deadline basis and want an easier way to build. Real Quick: As Marriedpreneurs, deadlines are crucial to accomplishing both big and small goals — be it in business or in marriage. Nevertheless, building in constant reactive mode with those deadlines is draining and not sustainable. . Join us on this episode as we go through the FIVE signs you might be building from a reactive mode (and how to stop it). Below are the highlight timestamps in episode Season 3 Episode 43 of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast: [04:38] The first sign of building from a reactive mode. [05:28] The second sign of building from a reactive mode. [06:37] The third sign of building from a reactive mode. [08:09] The fourth sign of building from a reactive mode. [09:38] The fifth sign of building from a reactive mode. [12:42] Enjoying the Journey Together: Get practical steps to see traction FAST! By the time you finish listening to this episode, you should be able to see the subtleties of the Shiny Object Syndrome while providing real and simple solutions for recovering focus so you can live with intentionality. ENJOYING THE JOURNEY TOGETHER Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: First, take a stop and acknowledge how you are truly feeling about the business and the marriage. Second, come together and share the talk with each other about how you feel, and how you feel like if you don't fix this, you're going to end up. WHAT’S NEXT? Are you looking for practicable powerful ways for stewarding your time better without getting a headache? Listen to our previous episode “S3 Ep28: How to Optimize Your Time and Set Priorities Together for Maximum Results” to finally be able to learn how to establish clear priorities and manage your time efficiently. 💥💥Do you have your Annual Marriedpreneur Strategic Plan?💥💥 If not.. What if we offered to show you how to build a 2023 Marriedpreneur Strategic plan that frees 20+ hours a month while accelerating profits by 5x (without overwhelm and burnout…even if you’re working a 9-5) Would you take us up on that offer? If yes,  schedule a Complimentary Systems Assessment HERE Lastly, if the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you! Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync, OL  + SWAY
Nov 1, 2022
18 min
S3 Ep39: How To Keep Business Going When You Aren’t: The 3 Pillars of The Marriedpreneur Operating Systems
If you listened to the previous episode, you know a health crisis hit our home. But what you may no know is that we had to step away from the day-to-day business operations for a little over a week- without notice. The beautiful outcome was that the business systems kept things moving forward, even in our temporary absence. This is why this episode is so important. We’re sharing the 3 primary business operation pillars that we used so when life hits your home, you can use them too. Now, is the time to implement so you don’t have to get ready, you’ll be ready! Who is this episode for? This episode is really for those marriedpreneurs who feel like they're just getting by week to week, but are aware of the potential hazards of not having operational systems in place. Below are the highlight timestamps in episode Season 3 Episode 39 of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast: [04:50] First pillar of your business operations is to have a simple plan. [07:34] Second, The right people are the key to making a successful business [24:29] Third, Find out the secret to getting stuff done! By the time you finish listening to this episode, you will be encouraged to check your business operations and fill in the spots that are missing. ENJOYING THE JOURNEY TOGETHER Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: Evaluate and audit your business operations together based on the 3 Pillars shared. Recommended Links From This Episode: Listen to S3 Ep 24: 10 Tips for Marriedpreneurs to ‘Balance’ Work, Life,& Business (When You’re in a Demanding 9-5) We talked about the value of rest: why it's so important and how it helps to boost your revenue. WHAT’S NEXT? 💥💥💥💥Have you heard about the premier Marriedpreneur Operating Systems Business training? It’s all happening in the FINISH S.T.R.O.N.G Masterclass! It’s the 90-day strategy for marriedpreneurs to end the year with accelerated profits (in record time). Grab your seats HERE. It’s free (for a limited time)! Lastly, if the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you! Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync, OL  + SWAY
Oct 27, 2022
23 min
S3 Ep38: Wifepreneur Special Edition: Heart Check
Life has thrown us maaaaany curve balls this season. But we’ve been bent on resting in Christ. If you’ve been forced to pivot from your original timeline, expectations and even results.. This episode is for you. As wifes, helpers, builders and business owners, there’s a LOT on our plates. It’s easy to allow life’s disappointments and hurts to take root in our heart unaware. So, this episode, although was not in the original plans (more on that when you listen) but I believe it’s right on time…. Be encouraged and enjoy listening. Who is this episode for? This episode is really for those marriedpreneurs, especially wives, who want to be challenged to show up fully and stop hiding. Below are the highlight timestamps in episode Season 3 Episode 37 of the Marriedpreneur Life podcast: [10:08] Why we need to be honest with ourselves about our heart. [19:14] How do we respond to things that are in our heart? [24:29] How do we say one thing, but then do we act on it? By the time you finish listening to this episode, you will be able to know the practical yet essential steps to launch and sustain your business. ENJOYING THE JOURNEY TOGETHER Action Items: This ETJT segment is to position you guys to easily implement the principles shared in the main segment of this episode. Here’s one quick-talking point below, but you’ll have to listen in to the full episode to get all of them: Daily surrender your heart. That’s it. WHAT’S NEXT? If the content in this episode is super helpful for you, be sure to give us a 5-star rating and review (this expands our reach and allows for more couples to be impacted by your 2 cents!) Thank you! Here’s to living Purposefully, Powerfully, and Profitably in sync, Ol + Sway
Oct 20, 2022
32 min
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