Marriage in the Making Podcast

Marriage in the Making

Cory and Kimberly Gardner
Marriage in the Making is a podcast meant to encourage and strengthen marriages. Hosts Cory and Kimberly Gardner chronicle their life and marriage through stories, humor, and biblical wisdom. They explore topics like communication, intimacy, parenting, money, and all things in between.
Parenting... You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. First come love, then comes marriage. Then comes a lot of questions and unsure decisions about how to take care of your babies. Not to worry, this episode will give you all the answers... Not really, but Cory and Kimberly will share all of their mistakes with you and help you feel a little better. Enjoy a few tips along the way. (The Baby Book) by Dr. Sears and Family Podcast Website: ( Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
Jun 29, 2021
33 min
Pregnancy: An Experience Like We Never Could Have Expected
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. This week, join hosts Cory and Kimberly as they share about Kimberly's first pregnancy and birth experience. Most couples that are called to marriage are later called to be parents. Pregnancy, labor, and delivery are glamorized in television and cinema. Hear them recount an experience unlike anything that they could've expected. Disclaimer - We will talk about something traumatic that happened during the birth, so if you are pregnant and don’t want to hear this, please stop the episode if you feel the need to. We don’t want you to spend your pregnancy worrying, but the information could also save someone. Please decide what’s best for you. Also, there is a mature moment in the podcast, so make sure you are listening away from your little ones. Podcast Website: ( Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
Jun 22, 2021
47 min
Our Origin Story: Toward a Marriage in the Making
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. Like any superhero, a marriage has an origin story. Today, Cory and Kimberly share their origin story. It wasn't a straight path to marriage for them. Looking back, they realize God kept them apart at times so they could become better for each other. Take a listen and then head over to Instagram to share your origin story with the Marriage in the Making Fam! Podcast Website: ( Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
Jun 15, 2021
38 min
Submit... You Heard Us Right
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. This week, join hosts Cory and Kimberly as they discuss the topic of submission. This topic is one that causes division in some circles, but we know that there is good conversation to be had on this. God's call for submission is part of His design for marriage, but some people take advantage of their spouses under the guise of scripture. Listen as they discuss the biblical submission that our marriages our called to follow. The good people at Marriage After God have set us up with a coupon code for you to purchase from their website. Head over to ( and shop for the book as well as other titles for 15% off. Use the code mitm15off. Podcast Website: ( Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
Jun 8, 2021
40 min
When Women Are Called To Be Wives
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. This week, join hosts Cory and Kimberly as they encourage you to realize who God has created you to be. Listen as Kimberly dives deep into the calling of women and what God wants of them in their marriages. Women have a special place in God's design for marriage. Most times, women are not shown how precious they are in God's eyes. Ladies, use your singleness to grow in all that God has created you to be so that when He sends your husband, you are that good thing he has been searching for. The good people at Marriage After God have set us up with a coupon code for you to purchase from their website. Head over to ( and shop for the book as well as other titles for 15% off. Use the code mitm15off. Podcast Website: ( Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
Jun 1, 2021
40 min
When Men Are Called To Be Husbands
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. This week, join hosts Cory and Kimberly as they encourage you to realize who God has created you to be. Listen as Cory dives deep into the calling of men and what God requires of them in their marriages. Men have a special purpose in marriage to lead, protect and provide for their families. When men seek God, He puts them in a position to serve their household mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The good people at Marriage After God have set us up with a coupon code for you to purchase from their website. Head over to ( and shop for the book as well as other titles for 15% off. Use the code mitm15off. Podcast Website: ( Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
May 25, 2021
46 min
Team Marriage: Expectations and Sharing Responsiblities
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. This week, join hosts Cory and Kimberly as they encourage you to live out the dream you have for your marriage. Dreams don't become reality until you take action. We have to determine what responsibilities we have in our marriage and how they will be taken care. Some of the things we choose to be responsible for are based on our strengths and some of those things are self-imposed. Discovering what is important will really help you prioritize the responsibilities in your home and become a team. In our last podcast, we talked a little about the book Marriage After God by Aaron and Jennifer Smith. We really think this is a valuable resource. So, we have decided to bless someone out there with their own inscribed copy of Marriage After God. To enter to win this book, you have 3 simple steps to complete. Write a review for Marriage in the Making on (Apple Podcast) or (Podchase)r. Follow us on Instagram Tag a friend in the giveaway post on Instagram We will select and announce a winner on May 25th. If you don’t get selected, we still have a surprise for you. The good people at Marriage After God have set us up with a coupon code for you to purchase from their website. Head over to and shop for the book as well as other titles for 15% off. Use the code mitm15off. Podcast Website: ( Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
May 18, 2021
35 min
Dreaming Together is Winning Together in Your Marriage
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. This week, join hosts Cory and Kimberly as they encourage you to dream about the future of your marriage. God has a purpose for each of us. Those gifts and desires don't disappear when we get married. They are joined with another and our marriage becomes a vehicle to accomplish certain goals. Coming together as a unified team to dream about the future of your marriage gives you clarity. Enjoy the humor and laid back conversation of Cory and Kimberly as they challenge you to make a vision for your marriage this week. Podcast Website: ( uFkzNrsH41Hme8BumQGE Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
May 11, 2021
42 min
Stay Humble
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. This week, join hosts Cory and Kimberly as they address the fourth and final pillar of foundation in marriage. They are talking about humility and what that looks like in your marriage. Pride and arrogance can hinder your ability to serve your spouse. It can also keep you from capitalizing on the strengths that your spouse possesses. Listen in to see if you "stay humble" or not. Podcast Website: ( uFkzNrsH41Hme8BumQGE Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
May 4, 2021
41 min
Integrity to Create an Honorable, Trustworthy, and Honest Marriage
Welcome to Marriage in the Making, a podcast to strengthen and encourage marriages. This week, join hosts Cory and Kimberly as they address the third pillar of foundation in marriage. They are talking about integrity. The word integrity comes with its own baggage. Cory and Kimberly talk about what integrity is to them and the ultimate example we have in Jesus. Listen as they talk about how a lack of individual integrity can cause division, while a marriage with integrity leads to more trust and honor. Integrity is an individual characteristic that can have a lasting effect on your marriage. Podcast Website: ( uFkzNrsH41Hme8BumQGE Instagram: ( If you are feeling the music in this episode, check out our personal producer Kenneth Fisher at KFish Productions. Instagram (@kfish_productions)
Apr 27, 2021
42 min
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