Practice of the Practice: Marketing a Practice Podcast Podcast
Practice of the Practice: Marketing a Practice Podcast
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Libby Rothschild on Running a 7-Figure Virtual Company | MP 91 - episode of Practice of the Practice: Marketing a Practice Podcast podcast

Libby Rothschild on Running a 7-Figure Virtual Company | MP 91

34 minutes Posted Apr 28, 2022 at 8:00 am.
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Do you want to learn how to improve your sales skills? Why must therapists and practice owners learn how to sharpen their sales skills? How can you move past feeling daunted by using social media to level up your marketing and sales abilities?

In this podcast episode, Sam Carvalho speaks with Libby Rothschild about running a 7-figure virtual company.

Podcast Sponsor: Brighter Vision

An image of Brighter Vision Web Solutions is featured as the sponsor on Faith in Practice Podcast, a therapist podcast. Brighter Vision builds all in one websites for therapists.

If warmer weather has you feeling like it’s time for a website refresh, or you’d like to boost your online presence, look no further than Brighter Vision’s custom digital marketing solutions, designed specifically for therapists.

And the timing couldn’t be better because they just kicked off their Spring Cleaning sale! Sign up with Brighter Vision before April 30th and you’ll get $10/month off of your first year of website service with the Brighter Vision team, plus they’ll throw in 3 FREE months of Social Genie to give your therapist blog and social media pages a serious boost, so you can focus on what matters most – your patients!

So get a jumpstart on your private practice’s spring cleaning list by contacting Brighter Vision. To get started and learn more, visit

Meet Libby Rothschild

A photo of Libby Rothschild is captured. She is the a marketing consultant and the founder of Dietitian Boss. Libby is featured on the Marketing a Practice podcast, a therapist podcast.

Libby Rothschild shows coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs how to attract clients online without ads or a website. As a former clinical dietitian, Libby transitioned from making 55k a year in a windowless clinical office to building a million-dollar company. Within her first 3 years of business Libby grew a 7 figure company without using paid ads or SEO.

As the founder of Dietitian Boss™ Libby has trademarked the dietitian boss method- a 5 step process that has supported business growth for over 1000 registered dietitians and student nutrition professionals.

Visit Dietitian Boss and connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

Connect with Libby on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Freebie: Get Your Free Social Media Caption Guide

In This Podcast

  • Libby’s advice on how to sharpen your sales skills
  • Tips on how to run a successful virtual business
  • Identify and reset your social media mindset
  • Libby’s advice to private practitioners

Libby’s advice on how to sharper your sales skills

What I would like the listeners to know is that we are all salespeople. Whether you are new or are already in practice … no matter your situation or specialty, we all have to learn sales skills. (Libby Rothschild)

Many private practice owners struggle with selling their practice and their skills as counselors because they feel it clashes with their desire to help their clients.

I understand that and that’s an issue that we practitioners have when it comes to selling our products and service. Identifying and shifting that mindset will transform our respective businesses. (Libby Rothschild)

However, it is through sales that counselors can reach out to and work with their clients, let alone make a viable income to sustain the good work they do in their communities.

1 – Identify and shift the mindset that keeps you stuck and avoiding how to learn how to make sales.

2 – With your new mindset, find tools, courses, and coaches that can teach you the best sales skills.

3 – Identify what your sales process looks like.

Tips on how to run a successful virtual business

I believe that virtual is the future and it’s an opportunity for practitioners, even if you are doing a hybrid model, to get an opportunity to have a virtual leg in your business. (Libby Rothschild)

The virtual world is here to stay. Libby recommends that private practice owners have some branch of their company that exists virtually and offers either virtual sessions, courses, or services.

  • Leverage passive and reoccurring income by creating a course or membership that can be purchased via your virtual social media or website.
  • Identify your company culture and the values that you live by.
  • What are the communication processes in place? In which directions do clients and staff move through the business?
  • Have a niche and a space in the market that you nurture and serve. What is unique about what you do? How can you package it?
  • Identify and solve a problem in the market.

Identify and reset your social media mindset

Marketing in the virtual world is based on social media, so you need to be interacting with your audience on at least one social media platform alongside having an optimized website.

Shift your mindset from fixed to growth, and think about the world that you are moving towards. How can you adapt your behaviors to help you achieve your ambitions and dreams for the practice?

If you are not finding a way to incorporate how folks communicate, [you’ll] be left behind … our ability to serve will be dismissed for someone who will be able to adapt to help people. (Libby Rothschild)

You need to commit to learning how to adapt to the virtual world so that you can remain in contact with your clients.

  • Set boundaries for yourself to use social media
  • Be intentional with social media
  • Treat social media like a business tool instead of a hobby
  • Get training, and coaching to help your learn media skills more easily

The people that say that we don’t like social [media] are usually not facing their mindset, their boundaries, their ability to understand how to use modern technology to communicate. (Libby Rothschild)

Libby’s advice to private practitioners

Showing your face is an important component of building your brand and reaching your revenue goals.

Books mentioned in this episode:

Useful links mentioned in this episode:

Check out these additional resources:

Meet Sam Carvalho

A photo of Samantha Carvalho is captured. She is the Chief Marketing Officer and Designer at Practice of the Practice. She is the host of the Marketing A Practice Podcast and helps therapists successfully market and brand their private practices.Sam Carvalho is a graphic designer living in Cape Town, South Africa, with over five years of experience in both design and marketing, with a special interest and experience in the start-up environment.

She has been working with Practice of the Practice since 2016 and has helped over 70 therapist entrepreneurs take their practices to the next level by enhancing their visual branding. She loves working with a variety of clients on design-intensive tasks and is always up for a challenge!

Follow Sam on Instagram to see some of her work. To work with Sam, head on over to

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