Do you feel like you’re struggling to make decision in your business while it seems like other women are having this amazing insight and clarity? They seem to know where they’re going while you’re struggling with your course title (again). It feels like you don't know which way to go or which is the right decision while others seem to just hear God better or something.
Today I’m going to share with you 3 tips from women that have peace and confidence in the decisions around their business - even when they don’t know all the answers.
These are really powerful and I know they’ll help you if you’re struggling with wanting answers but not getting them in your business right now.
I pray this episode helps you have a more Biblical mindset so you can walk boldly and confidently in what God is calling you to do.
Need clarity on what to do next? Grab a Biblical Mindset session for only $37. In just one hour, you’ll get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. Grab that at www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching
Price is going up at the end of January so lock-in this price.
Want to ask a question? You can ask me any question around following your calling to be an entrepreneur, mindset, etc. I will choose some to answer in podcast episodes. Leave a speakpipe voice clip by going to mamawithacalling.com/podcast (it’s at the top).
Join other like-minded Christian moms pursuing business in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community.
Freebies and more on the website: www.mamawithacalling.com
Jan 18, 2023
23 min

If you’re resistant to having business goals or knowing your “numbers” because it’s too stuffy or “not you”, I totally get it, but is it really how we should view our business as Christians?
In this episode, I’m going to talk about a different way to look at business that might just influence how you see business goals.
With all of the reflections looking at 2022 and then looking ahead into 2023 and planning, there are a lot of different ways to go about this. Some people are super casual about it, like writing down the top 5 wins and then others are super methodical and detailed like calculating all of the profit and loss and running all of their “numbers” for their business.
At first, this made me cringe because I have no interest in being “that” kind of business. But then, God gave me a different perspective shift that I want to share with you today.
In this episode, you’ll learn the 3 Biblical truths that will shift how you see business goals (and your business).
I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.
Need clarity on what to do next? Grab a Biblical Mindset session for only $37. In just one hour, you’ll get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. Grab that at www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching
Price is going up at the end of January so lock-in this price.
Want to ask a question? You can ask me any question around following your calling to be an entrepreneur, mindset, etc. I will choose some to answer in podcast episodes. Leave a speakpipe voice clip by going to mamawithacalling.com/podcast (it’s at the top).
Join us in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community. Meet other Christian moms pursuing the calling to have an online business and navigating the ups and downs of WAHM life, business, and trying to follow God through it all. You’ll find community, support, encouragement, and Biblical mindset solutions to set you free from doubt, mom guilt, and all the negative thoughts keeping you stuck.
Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com
Jan 12, 2023
23 min

It’s a New Year and that means refreshing intentions and directions for the business. Today, I’m going to be sharing my word of the year, why that’s my word and what that means for the podcast moving forward.
You’ll also learn why having a word of the year can be really important to your plans going into 2023.
I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.
Free Blessed Balance guide to help you not burnout by setting too many big, lofty goals in too many areas of your life. See where God is leading you to focus your effort for big change and improvement and which areas He’s asking you to trust Him with and simply steward well. Grab your free guide at mamawithacalling.com/blessedbalance
Leave a speakpipe by going to mamawithacalling.com/podcast and it’s at the top or [email protected]. I personally get and respond to all emails so I’d love to hear from you.
Feeling stuck? Grab a Biblical Mindset session for only $37. In just one hour, you’ll get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. Grab that at www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching
Join us in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community. Meet other Christian moms pursuing the calling to have an online business and navigating the ups and downs of WAHM life, business, and trying to follow God through it all. You’ll find community, support, encouragement, and Biblical mindset solutions to set you free from doubt, mom guilt, and all the negative thoughts keeping you stuck.
Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com
Jan 5, 2023
17 min

It’s that amazing week between Christmas and New Year’s where it feels like time slows down. The kids are enjoying their new gifts and there’s just more down time in general. This is the perfect time to look ahead to 2023 and decide where you want to focus your efforts next year by doing a business planning retreat.
But what if you’re not really sure how to know where God is leading you? Or how to tell if a goal is yours or God’s?
So many entrepreneurs talk about goal setting around revenue goals and seem to focus on themselves instead of things that matter like impact. That’s why I created Goal Setting for Christian entrepreneurs.
This isn’t just another way to set goals though. This is a process for how to tune into where God is leading you in yoru business and your life as an entrepreneur because you’re not just called to business. You’re a wife, a mom, and more.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
My personal Spiritual business retreat How it was structured, the outcome, and more
The framework I used to have an amazing retreat full of insight and revelation about my business
The benefits of a business retreat
3 tips for having the most optimal planning retreat yourself whether it’s away or at home
Get ready for 2023 with these tips for your next planning retreat and check out the Goal-setting for Christian entrepreneurs course to help you make the most of it.
I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.
Resources mentioned:
Grab the Goal-Setting for Christian Entrepreneurs course + workbook + PDF planner here:
Right now through January 2nd it’s on sale. Just use the code reflection to save $10. I know this will help you head into the new year feeling refreshed and a renewed excitement about your business and peace knowing that you’re doing what God is leading you to do.
Feeling stuck? Grab a Biblical Mindset session for only $37. In just one hour, you’ll get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. Grab that at www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching
Free Year-end Reflection and Intention Event - prep your mind before going into a goal setting session (inside of the FB group; see link below)
Join us in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community. Meet other Christian moms pursuing the calling to have an online business and navigating the ups and downs of WAHM life, business, and trying to follow God through it all. You’ll find community, support, encouragement, and Biblical mindset solutions to set you free from doubt, mom guilt, and all the negative thoughts keeping you stuck.
Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com
Dec 29, 2022
27 min

Today I’m talking with Cassie Kitzmiller about the Spiritual principles behind accomplishing more by doing less in the Kingdom of God.
In this episode, Cassie talks about her new book Multiply which focuses on having a Kingdom perspective on money, growth, and everything we do.
This discussion about these deep Spiritual topics may challenge your thinking and what you’ve heard before, but I invite you to listen with an open heart and mind.
Some topics we dive into are:
What does it look like to operate our lives and businesses as entrepreneurs from a Kingdom perspective instead of a worldly one?
Cassie talks about principles found in Scripture and how we can apply these principles to our business to experience the abundance of the Kingdom.
Mindset shifts that are important for seeing our business the way God does instead of what makes sense to us.
Is it really ok for Christians to want more?
Why do so many unbelievers have wealth and Christians don’t seem to and is that ok?
Building our businesses as the Body of Christ and not by ourselves.
Is it ok to set money goals as a Christian entrepreneur?
I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.
More about Cassie
Cassie is author of the book MULTIPLY, community builder, and Business Coach for Christian Entrepreneurs. She is also a homeschooling mom to 3 boys and loves helping Christian women uplevel their faith, their family, and their income at the same time!
Connect with Cassie
Website: www.christianwomenbusinessbuilders.com
Free Christian Women Business Builders Group: www.facebook.com/groups/cwbbcommunity
Instagram: www.instagram.com/christianwomenbusinessbuilders
Join the GROW Collective for training, coaching, resources, and more for only $27/month for a limited time. Learn more: https://cwbb.thrivecart.com/grow-coaching-collective/
Products and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Links below may include affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you purchase through my link at no cost to you. These are products I love and I only promote things that I think will be super valuable to you (or it’s not worth talking about!). I’m a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.For my full disclosure policy, see here. Thanks for supporting the show!
-> Grab Cassie’s book: “Multiply: Uncover the Secrets to Increasing Your Time, Income, and Impact with the 7 Scriptural Laws of Multiplication”
Year-end Reflection and Intention Training FREE inside of the FB group until Dec 31st. Stay focused on God as you reflect on your wins this year and look forward to 2023.
Feeling stuck? Grab a Biblical Mindset session to get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. Grab that at www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching
Join us in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community. Meet other Christian moms pursuing the calling to have an online business and navigating the ups and downs of WAHM life, business, and trying to follow God through it all. You’ll find community, support, encouragement, and Biblical mindset solutions to set you free from doubt, mom guilt, and all the negative thoughts keeping you stuck.
Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com
Dec 20, 2022
49 min

Hey! I'm Alexia -a Christian mindset coach passionate about teaching moms how to renew their minds to find success both in business and motherhood. You CAN overcome the negative thoughts holding you back from fully stepping into your calling.
I know what it’s like to worry your business will never work, to feel mom guilt every time you work on your business. To realize your mindset is hindering you, but not knowing how to change it in a Christ-centered way.
For years, fear and worry consumed me as I tried to create success a thousand different ways with an online business. Finally, I realized mindset was the culprit holding me back. I was letting thoughts, like mom guilt and fear of failure, run my life.
If I wanted to be successful, I needed to understand how mindset worked- but from a Biblical perspective.
I implemented a simple, yet powerful strategy for tackling all of my mindset blocks that brought me closer than ever to God. As I surrendered my thoughts to Him, I found peace regardless of my business success and joy in being a mom and entrepreneur. I want the same for you!
Dec 13, 2022
13 min

Are you feeling scattered this holiday season? Like you’re being pulled in a million different directions and things aren’t getting done? We should be experiencing peace and joy, not chaos and frustration during this season.
Today I’m going to give you 3 ways to help you find peace again in the midst of the chaos of the busy holidays.
Noticing so many, including myself, that are feeling tossed around by all the things going on right now with the busyness of the season. But when you were already busy with life as an entrepreneur, this season can feel extra chaotic.
So I wanted to give 3 ways for you to intentionally ground yourself in Christ when you’re feeling chaotic.
I hope this episode gives you more peace and joy during this season.
Join me for the Year-End Reflection and Intention Event
When: Dec 13-15, 2022
Where: Faith-driven business mamas FB group
Point: To reflect back on the year overall to see how far you’ve come, what God has done, and to look ahead to 2023. Not going to focus on goal setting but on reflecting, praising, thanking, acknowledging, and seeking God.
Go to mamawithacalling.com/community to join.
I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.
Feeling stuck? Grab a Biblical Mindset session to get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. Only $37 right now, so be sure to book your session today at www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching
Dec 9, 2022
17 min

You know you’re called to start this business, but you also don’t want to neglect your family.
When we feel that calling to be an entrepreneur, it can consume us if we’re not careful. Not to mention the standards that the world is calling us to when it comes to success and how money and followers seem to be the ultimate measure of a “successful” online business.
But as Christian entrepreneurs, we know that’s not true. We’re called to do things differently.
Today on the podcast, I’m talking with Michelle and Somer from She Works His Way about how to prioritize what matters most as Christian women called to work.
This conversation is so rich with wisdom and mindset shifts on how to see work and all you do as something unto the Lord.
Here are a few of the topics we cover:
**How to respond to hustle culture and the drive to succeed as Christian women today
**Being “set apart” and what that looks like for women today
**Giving a Biblical definition of work
**When to leave your job to pursue entrepreneurship (or not)
**The real measure of success
**How to handle it when friends and family resist your decision to follow God in your work
**How to hear God to follow where He’s leading
**Knowing God’s will for your life
**Combating mom guilt
“The world promised us that if we could achieve work-life balance, then all would be ok. But the real answer is keeping God first and then everything will be ok.” - Michelle and Somer, She Works His Way
I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.
More about Michelle and Somer
Michelle and Somer love to talk about how culture is shifting the focus of Christian women who work—always telling us to work more, do more, be more. But, that’s not what Jesus calls us to. He is constantly turning us back to himself. So as women who feel called to work, how can we stop prioritizing balance and start prioritizing what or Who matters most? Culture says: Forge your own way. God says: I am the only Way.
Michelle Myers is an author, entrepreneur, and motivator. Michelle launched she works His way to pour God's truth into the lives of women in ministry and business. She is the author of Famous in Heaven & at Home. Michelle lives in North Carolina with her husband, two sons, and a daughter. Join her at www.sheworkshisway.com.
Somer Phoebus is a brick-and-mortar business lover, productivity expert, and pastor's wife. She is part of the swHw leadership team. In addition to an early career in fashion and retail, Somer started and sold two fitness studios. Somer lives in Maryland with her husband and two daughters. Join her at www.sheworkshisway.com.
Products and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Links below may include affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you purchase through my link at no cost to you. I’m a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. For my full disclosure policy, see here. Thanks for supporting the show!
Grab their book “She Works His Way: A Practical Guide for Doing What Matters Most in a Get-Things-Done World” on Amazon (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3Fjeiqj
Feeling stuck? Grab a Biblical Mindset session to get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. Grab that at www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching
Join us in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community. Meet other Christian moms pursuing the calling to have an online business and navigating the ups and downs of WAHM life, business, and trying to follow God through it all. You’ll find community, support, encouragement, and Biblical mindset solutions to se
Dec 1, 2022
46 min

With it being Thanksgiving, I wanted to talk about how to see God’s provision and be thankful for it even when it doesn’t feel like it’s that abundant.
I hear so many clients talk about provision and how it feels like God isn’t showing up in their business financially. They’re wondering why He hasn’t blessed the business or honored their obedience.
This might be you too.
So I wanted to talk about how our expectations of what provision should look like can actually hinder us from seeing God’s provision all together.
In this episode, I go over 3 Biblical principles that will help you keep your thoughts focused on Him and having a Biblical mindset around provision.
Share your gratitudes in the FB group! I’d love to hear what you’re grateful for as God reveals His goodness to you.
I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.
Links mentioned in the show
For Black Friday, I’m offering 30% off all products. Just use the code BF22 at checkout. Go to mamawithacalling.com/black-friday to check that out.
I’m now offering a 6 week Biblical Mindset coaching program!
I’m so excited about this because now you can really see true transformation as you work on the negative thought spirals that keep getting in the way and start to replace those with Biblical truth. Even in one session, I’ve seen women start to overcome imposter syndrome and move forward with action steps in confidence, get clarity on what God is calling them to do so they make solid goals they feel good about, and pinpoint limiting beliefs and let Biblical truth outweigh the lies and then finally move forward in an area they were stuck in.
If you’re ready to find clarity so you can confidently pursue God’s calling for your life…without confusion, mom guilt, or stress, then I’d love to invite you to check out the 6 week Biblical mindset coaching package.
Join us in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community. Meet other Christian moms pursuing the calling to have an online business and navigating the ups and downs of WAHM life, business, and trying to follow God through it all. You’ll find community, support, encouragement, and Biblical mindset solutions to set you free from doubt, mom guilt, and all the negative thoughts keeping you stuck.
Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com
Nov 23, 2022
22 min

Have you ever felt yourself saying that you shouldn’t do something because you’re not an expert yet? That you want to have integrity and only teach others once you’ve mastered something?
But what if God really is calling you to serve others in that area, but you unknowingly have masked fear and doubt with integrity?
In today’s episode, I’m going to share three questions you can ask yourself that can reveal any limiting beliefs that could be holding you back in this area. We’ll look at Biblical truth and use mindset coaching strategies to challenge your current thinking and start to make shifts toward a Biblical mindset.
Share with us in the Mama With A Calling facebook group what you are called to help others with. What is God calling you to do? Telling others is the first step towards saying “yes” to God’s call.
I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.
Feeling stuck? Grab a Biblical Mindset session to get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. Grab that at www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching
Join us in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community. Meet other Christian moms pursuing the calling to have an online business and navigating the ups and downs of WAHM life, business, and trying to follow God through it all. You’ll find community, support, encouragement, and Biblical mindset solutions to set you free from doubt, mom guilt, and all the negative thoughts keeping you stuck.
Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com
Nov 17, 2022
20 min
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