Make Today Matter: Getting In The Right Mindset Podcast

Make Today Matter: Getting In The Right Mindset

Michael Bonnell
Hey, I'm Michael and this is my podcast that focuses on money, mindset, self improvement, and really just how to live a better life. Really I'm just a guy living his life and giving you a different perspective on life while helping to strengthen your mindset. Mindset is everything. There aren't any gurus, fluff, or bs advice you hear every day - just my thoughts on money, mindset, and anything that's helped me go from depressed to living my best. It's time we make today matter and get into the right mindset so that we can live a happy life. Are you ready?
18. Stop selling yourself short.
In today's podcast episode I talk about why you shouldn't sell yourself short. As someone who has always ended up taking the cheap way out and was always frugal, I realized that in the end, I spend more money in the long run. Life is short. We deserve to have the things that we want and are willing to work for. When you sell yourself short, you train your mindset that you aren't deserving - which is completely false. You are deserving, so make today matter and stop selling yourself short. Love yourself, live your best life, and make today matter.  If you want more motivation, inspiration, and positivity, be sure to subscribe to the podcast. I talk a lot about self-improvement, personal growth, and really just living each and every day like it's your last.
Mar 26, 2021
12 min
17. Do more of what you love.
In today's podcast episode, we talk about the importance of doing more of what you love. As cliche as it sounds, life really is too short, so why not live each and every single moment of it for the amazing blessing that it is. Do more of what you love. If you aren't spending your life doing what you love, you are only going to regret not doing more with the time you had remaining.  From somebody who has gone through depression and has allowed the opinions and judgments of others to shape their life, I will be the first to say that it isn't worth it. Be the person you want to be, do the things that you want to live, and live the life that you want to live. this is the only one you get, so make today matter and make the most of it. 
Mar 15, 2021
18 min
16. Be a leader - not a follower.
In today's podcast episode I talk about the importance of being a leader and not a follower. We all want to achieve our goals, but leaders are those who are not afraid of failure and actually work towards overcoming their goals without allowing anything to stand in their way. If you want to be a leader, here's what you have to do: - Dare to be different. Being different is what's going to help you stand out.  - Be comfortable abandoning the past (both good and bad). Let the past go, focus on the present and what you can do now to get you from where you are to where you want to be.  - Be willing to adapt to change, and better understand the world and individuals around you.  - Be willing to overcome your fear of failure.  - Have a clear focus and a strong why.  Make today matter. Be a leader instead of a follower.
Mar 12, 2021
13 min
15. Whatever comes after "I AM" is the truth.
In this episode of Make Today Matter, I talk about the "I AM" mindset. Have you ever noticed that whatever words come after I AM tend to be true? That's because when your mind has a thought, you tend to believe it. If your mind repeats these thoughts, they become the truth.  If you want to find a quick way to change your life and improve your mood, start using positive affirmations. Start with I AM and follow it up with only kind and uplifting words. Just watch how much happier you will be and how much easier it is to find success.  Remember, focus on what you can control, always give your best, and make today matter.
Mar 9, 2021
13 min
14. Do you own your life?
In this episode of Make Today Matter, I talk about the importance of owning your own life. No matter what has happened in the past, take responsibility and let it go. Taking responsibility for where you are at in life doesn't mean you are to blame for what has happened or that it's your fault, but it gives you the freedom to finally let go of whatever happened and move on from it.  Part of making today matter is being fully present in the moment and not allowing anything to take you away from where you are right now. Own your life, be present, and make today matter. That is the mindset that you need to put yourself in if you want to live a happy and more fulfilling life.  If you want more to listen to more motivation, self improvement, and personal development mindsets be sure to subscribe to the show, leave a rating, and share it with those around you. Remember, focus on what you can control, and make today matter. Follow me on Instagram:
Mar 4, 2021
15 min
13. Winners focus on winning.
In this episode of Make Today Matter, I talk about the importance of a winning mindset and one of my favorite quotes from PGA Tour Golfer, Rory McIlroy, "Winners focus on winning and losers focus on winners." If you really want to make today matter, focus on what you can do to win the day. Let go of the past, the people who have hurt you, and your failures. You are not defined by what happened in the past. You are defined by what you do moving forward. If you want to be a winner, focus on winning - focus on what you can do to get from where you are now to where you want to be. Follow the foundation of every successful individuals, move forward from your past, and focus on today and only this moment.  If you want more to listen to more motivation, self improvement, and personal development mindsets be sure to subscribe to the show, leave a rating, and share it with those around you. Remember, focus on what you can control, and make today matter. Follow me on Instagram:
Mar 1, 2021
15 min
12. When you're struggling, find balance.
In today's episode, I talk about the importance of finding balance in life. Life is incredibly difficult if you aren't balanced. Every time you say yes to one thing, you are saying no to a million other possibilities.  As someone who struggled to find balance for much of their life, you feel stressed when you aren't balanced. I struggled to find balance and found myself in the ER as a result of a severe anxiety attack. That's why I try to do everything with a sense of balance now. To be completely honest, life is so much better when you find balance. You will be happier when you find balance and will have a clearer mind.  Make today matter, be present in this very moment, and find balance.  Follow me on Instagram:
Feb 25, 2021
14 min
11. Escaping the overthinking mindset.
In today's episode, I am going to be talking about escaping the overthinking mindset. We all tend to overthink things that are far out of our control, but does that really do us any good? Does it do any good to stress about the things that are out of our control?  Overthinking involves dwelling on how bad you feel and thinking about all the things that are simply out of your control. As someone who has always been an overthinker, I will be the first to tell you that it isn't worth it. It won't help you develop new insight. It's only going to suck your mental energy and leave you feeling drained. The difference between problem-solving, self-reflection, and overthinking isn't about the amount of time you spend in deep thought. It's about the progress you make towards overcoming the obstacles that will only stand in your way if you allow them to.  Make today matter and stop overthinking. Be here. Be present. Live this beautiful gift of life today and hold nothing back.  Follow me on Instagram:
Feb 22, 2021
13 min
10. Don't forget to treat yo self!
In today's episode, I talk about the importance of treating yourself and some of the things that you can do to treat yourself. Life is short, and while it's important to prepare for the future and be smart with your money, it's also important to enjoy life and treat yourself to some of the things you want. You work hard. You deserve to treat yourself.  If you don't treat yourself, you get into the mindset that you aren't deserving of the things you want in life. This can't be further from the truth. You are deserving, so act like it and treat yo self.  Follow me on Instagram:
Feb 18, 2021
16 min
9. Accept the sucky experiences.
In today's episode, I talk about the importance of accepting the sucky experiences in life and embracing them for the powerful lessons that come with them.  Have you ever noticed how the hardest challenges in life are the ones we tend to learn the most from? It's because when we go through life without having to put ourselves in challenging situations, we never have to learn or grow. But when we experience a suck situation, we are forced to reflect on what we could do to improve and what needs to be changed.  Life isn't perfect. If you want to continue to grow and progress in life, you need to be willing to accept the sucky experiences so you can grow and improve on the person you were yesterday, and strive to become the person you want to become tomorrow.  Follow me on Instagram:
Feb 15, 2021
14 min
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