This is the first true episode in the series of the Twisted Emotions story. If you want to follow along with the written story, you can find it linked on my Facebook page, just search Twisted Emotions. The correct page will have a link to this podcast as well as the Instagram account as well.
I have created a Tiktok account, but I haven't uploaded any content yet. That will hopefully change this weekend.
Jan 7, 2023
14 min

I started out writing mostly blogs that turned into a story about the girl I love and the roller coaster we were on. This is the introduction of the series.
Nov 9, 2022
3 min

This is a personal topic for me, something I have been dealing with for over a year and a half since my mom passed away. The doctors lied to us the morning she passed saying they didn't know what happened, or why she died. They did though. The hospital covered for them when we would ask questions, they backed the doctor saying things that were in fact in her medical records were not.
Laws are written to protect doctors from being held accountable, but why? Doctors are human and mistakes are made, but when there is flat negligence because one didn't want to do their job or failed to do parts of their job and a life is lost because of that, why are they not held accountable the way a retail worker is held accountable when their cash drawer is short?
Nov 6, 2022
27 min

A little bit about me. This one is a tad raw. I didn't edit anything, so pardon the pauses and messed up words. I'll do better from now on. I wanted to get this one up so that I can dive into more topics.
Oct 20, 2022
7 min