On this episode of Make Every Day Your Masterpiece, Richie and Mike talk failing forward and not chasing the money. Life is all about finding comfort in discomfort and the two go in depth on how to truly execute on the visions you have for yourself!
May 12, 2021
38 min

On todays episode of Make Every Day Your Masterpiece Richie & Mike talk pandemic hustles! With so much to learn about yourself during these times the two talk about how they're using it to be better people. While Richie dives back into stocks Mike started a cookie business that's been booming! Make sure to follow on IG @RichieHoesin & @HipHopMike!
Mar 19, 2021
41 min

On the first episode back in the New Year Richie and Mike talk improving everyday. The two give their audience tips on how to implement change without over exerting yourself and seeing growth resulting in a series of small wins coming one step at a time.
Jan 13, 2021
28 min

Richie Hosein and Hip Hop Mike talk with the king of NYC nightlife Ronnie Kokas and Holiday Swap CEO / travel influencer James Asquith.
James Asquith- https://www.instagram.com/jamesasquith/?hl=en
Ronnie Kokas- https://www.instagram.com/ronniekokas/?hl=en
Richie Hosein- https://www.instagram.com/richiehosein/
Hip Hop Mike- https://www.instagram.com/hiphopmike/
Check out "HOLIDAY SWAP"- https://www.holidayswap.com
Dec 10, 2020
1 hr 5 min

Richie Hosein and Hip Hop Mike talk entrepreneurship.
Richie Hosein- https://www.instagram.com/richiehosein/
Hip Hop Mike- https://www.instagram.com/hiphopmike/
Nov 28, 2020
41 min

Richie Hosein and Hip Hop Mike talk entrepreneurship.
Richie Hosein- https://www.instagram.com/richiehosein/
Hip Hop Mike- https://www.instagram.com/hiphopmike/
Nov 28, 2020
33 min