In a time where there is a lot of disunity in the Ummah, it's important we all show love towards each other and stand strong together as one!❤🙏 This talk went over the concepts of Unity and Diversity as well as discussing how the Ummah's salvation lies in a united Muslim populous globally.
Sheikh Zane Abdo is currently the Muslim Advisor/Chaplain/Imam to both the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University where he teaches and leads the prayers.
Date: Wednesday 23rd October 2019
Apr 4, 2020
54 min

Towards the start of Semester 1 and as part of the Unity and Diversity theme (neatly combining with Black History Month), Dr Wajid Akhtar graced us with the first educational talk of the academic year. He spoke about many aspects of the life of Malcom X, his legacy as well as the power and need for Unity in the modern world.
Date: Tuesday 15th October 2019
Apr 3, 2020
56 min

Starting off our trip down memory lane, this amazing talk aimed to empower Muslim students with knowledge they might not have been aware of and equipped them with an understanding of how to deal with the ever prevalent "Islamophobia industry".
Moazzam Begg was a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay after he was wrongly accused. In this take, he gave his personal story, as well as advice on how to tackle Islamophobia.
Date: Tuesday 19th November 2019
Mar 29, 2020
47 min

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem!
A warm welcome from everyone at the Leeds University Union Islamic Society.
In our first official podcast submission, we will go over the purpose of our new podcast service, as well as a brief teaser into what is to come, In Sha Allah
Jazakamullahu Khairan for your patience!
To get in contact with us, please consult our website and various social media pages.
Mar 26, 2020
1 min