Hampton Roads Church
Preachers from the Hampton Roads Church, including Edward Anton, Phil Booker, Shaun McDonnell, Kirk Valencia, Matt Fisk, Jeff Throne, and Lex Campaldini preach through the Gospel of Luke
Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus' Godly Sorrow
Zacchaeus was a picture of shame and an object of scorn as he perched from the tree to see Jesus. But he was able to come down from that tree in acceptance and honor. Why? Because Jesus was on his way to go up the tree for Zacchaeus. Jesus went up the tree to bear his (and our) scorn, shame, sin and rejection. He likewise leaves us with honor, dignity, purpose, and peace.
Jan 23, 2018
31 min
Acts 2:22-42 3000 Seekers are Baptized at Pentecost
This final installment of Luke-Acts celebrates the clarity and security of Grace. Jesus offers a double cure: freedom from slavery to sin (repentance) and freedom from guilt & punishment of sin (forgiveness). Moreover, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and fellowship.
Jan 11, 2016
45 min
Acts 2:1-21 It's Nine O'Clock Somewhere
During the harvest festival of Pentecost, God brings in His harvest through the work of the Holy Spirit and through Spirit-filled men. They're not drunk, they're just uninhibited because they're living by the Spirit rather than by the constraints of the flesh.
Jan 11, 2016
35 min
Luke's Epilogue: Acts 1
Acts 1 and 2 are tightly tied to Luke's Gospel. Here we find the epilogue to Luke's Gospel.
Jan 11, 2016
20 min
Luke 24:36-53 The Closing Charge Repentance from the Gospel of Luke
Despite an open tomb, open Scriptures, open eyes, open professions and open minds, the disciples wrestle with unbelief before Jesus. Ultimately, they will finally experience true mind change, true Metanoia, true faith.
Jan 11, 2016
39 sec
Luke 24:13-35 Reversal on the Emmaus Road
Jesus reverses the curse as he hits rewind the entire human race on the Road to Emmaus
Dec 1, 2015
37 min
Luke 24:1-12 The Resurrection!
Contemplate the depth of this truth: "He is not here. He has risen!" Now ask yourself "So What?" and "What Now?"
Nov 17, 2015
38 min
Luke 23:26-56 What the Cross Means to Me
  A special family time midweek service to focused on the death of Jesus and what that sacrifice means to us.   
Nov 16, 2015
Luke 22:63-23:25 The Line is Drawn
  Which side of line are you?   
Nov 10, 2015
Luke 22:39-62 The Arrest of Jesus
This is the horrid hour — when darkness reigns. In preparation, Jesus prays to endure the defilement of sin so that we might become the righteousness of God.
Oct 3, 2015
43 min
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