Low Man on the Totem Pole Podcast

Low Man on the Totem Pole

Low Man on the Totem Pole
Low Man on the Totem Pole (LMTP) is a straight-talk talk show that is designed to help anyone that's struggling in their career to stop begging for a promotion and start selling their genius.
Episode 30: "PIVOT!"
We made it through a year that blindsided ALL of us--give yourself a hand and cut yourself some slack for making it to the other side of 2020! In this new year, when we can now see a little more clearly what lies ahead, how do we adjust to the changes that we KNOW are happening; in our industry, in the way we do our jobs, in the resources we use to do those jobs? Heather and Kaytee chat about how to pivot if you find yourself in a struggling industry, or even just struggling in your current work environment. Also: close-up magic and flying cockroaches.
Jan 31, 2021
49 min
Episode 29: Handling Life on a Hybrid Team
Planning for 2021 is already daunting, given the year we've all just had! Especially if you are a manager with employees remote and onsite--or if you are still WFH while many of your teammates are back in the office--you may have a lot of questions about how you are going to "show up" for everyone, even when you can't, you know... show up. In this episode, Heather and Kaytee carve out strategies for managing workload, expectations, and fairness in a hybrid work environment. How do you make up for those lost hallway conversations? How do you demonstrate productivity from afar? How do we teambuild and show appreciation and celebrate accomplishments on the dreaded Zoom???
Nov 25, 2020
58 min
Episode 28: Asking for What You Want
The best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations--so why do so many of us hesitate to have them? Guest Kwame Christian is a business attorney with Carlile, Patchen & Murphy LLP, director of the American Negotiation Institute, author of the book Finding Confidence in Conflict, and host of the podcast Negotiate Anything.  The free downloadable negotiation guides referenced in this episode can be found at https://americannegotiationinstitute.com/guide.
Sep 23, 2020
50 min
Episode 27: Minding Your Mindset
As pandemic pandemonium continues to affect our jobs, our prospects, our outlook, and... well, pretty much everything, how do move forward? Spoiler: the answer is NOT a positive mindset!
Aug 26, 2020
57 min
Episode 26: Covid Recuperation + Bringing Others to the Podium
Heather's outta quarantine!! Heather and Kaytee catch up on how Heather is feeling post-Covid 19, + we talk about about actionable ways to support and empower others whose voices need to be heard.
Aug 7, 2020
45 min
Episode 25: Resilience, Resourcefulness, and the Reptile Brain
What do Mark Twain, Maya Angelou and the T-1000 have in common? They're all name-checked in this episode's discussion of practicing new pattern recognition to move away from scarcity mentality and into growth and abundance mentality, and to plan out your metaphorical next trip (whether or not any of us are going anywhere for awhile).
May 27, 2020
1 hr 1 min
Episode 24: Top Tenning It
Heather and Kaytee are bedazzling our pets out of boredom. Join us for lessons we can learn from this lockdown lunacy. Themes: zooming out and taking the long view; goats.
Apr 29, 2020
45 min
Episode 23: Loki of Control
In this quarantastic episode, Heather and Kaytee chat about how to deal with our current global and career uncertainties. Spoiler alert: our answer is at least partly hinged on diving into Netflix documentaries. Topics include: focusing on what is within your control to affect; making a plan (yes, really, even in our current situation) and working toward it; developing a routine; engaging your empathy; Maya Angelou. Shelter in place and enjoy!
Apr 1, 2020
39 min
Episode 22: Authenticity -- How to Show All the Way Up
Heather and Kaytee chat about being authentic in the workplace, managing expectations, switching out phone cases, and controlling your face.
Jan 29, 2020
29 min
Episode 21: Accountability Countdown
Okay, so the 'countdown' part is a bit of a misnomer.  But as we close out the year and peer over the ledge at 2020, Heather and Kaytee spend some time reflecting on how we can build accountability, own our own outcomes, and ultimately make sure we're staying accountable to the little voices in our own heads.
Dec 25, 2019
41 min
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