Louisa Jewell: The Science of the Good Life Podcast

Louisa Jewell: The Science of the Good Life

Louisa Jewell
Helping you be happier, confident and more successful.
The Science of the Good Life: The 5 Pillars of Happiness
In this podcast Louisa Jewell shares the 5 pillars of happiness and well-being and she is not talking about little "h" happiness, She is talking about how to build happiness over your lifetime.
Nov 13, 2014
5 min
The Science of the Good Life: One Simple Tool that can help you Banish Self-doubt
Do you experience a lot of self-doubt? Do you have that voice in your head that you are an imposter and you’re going to be found out? Michelle McQuaid is a highly successful business woman who was the youngest executive at one of the largest firms in Australia and now runs a very successful practice teaching others her techniques for success. But she wasn’t always the self-confident woman she is today. Learn her one tool that helped her banish her self-doubt and shine.
Nov 13, 2014
8 min
The Science of the Good Life: How goal setting can increase your confidence
In this podcast, I interview Caroline Adams Miller, author of the book Creating Your Best Life and expert coach on goal setting. Here she shares how setting goals can increase your confidence and what you can do to help you achieve those big goals.
Nov 13, 2014
4 min
The Science of the Good Life: How this Simple Habit can Change Your Workplace for the Better!
Sometimes making positive change in your workplace can be daunting. In this podcast Patrick Howell of the Institute for Advanced Human Performance talks about how introducing one keystone habit, active constructive responding, can make your workplace a more positive place to work.
Nov 13, 2014
19 min
The Science of the Good Life: 3 Proven Ways to Reduce Self-doubt and Increase your Self-confidence
In this podcast Louisa Jewell shares 3 scientifically proven ways to reduce self-doubt and increase your self confidence.
Nov 13, 2014
6 min
The Science of the Good Life: Dealing with Difficult People and The Law of the Garbage Truck
In this podcast Louisa Jewell interviews David Pollay, author of the amazingly helpful book, The Law of the Garbage Truck. In this podcast David helps us with a great tool on how to stop people from dumping their garbage on you. His book is filled with lots of tips from positive psychology to help you deal with garbage trucks in your life. To find out more go to: http://www.davidpollay.com/
Nov 13, 2014
8 min
The Science of the Good Life: Why Positive Psychology Really isn't that Positive
In this podcast Louisa Jewell explores what 'positive' in positive psychology really means - and it's not about being positive all the time!
Nov 13, 2014
5 min
The Science of the Good Life: A Scientifically Proven Way to Reduce Public Speaking Jitters
In this podcast from The Science of the Good Life, Louisa Jewell (www.louisajewell.com) interviews Sara Oliveri, recent TEDx speaker, about one simple technique from the founders of TED themselves to calm your nerves and deliver a killer speech!
Nov 13, 2014
7 min
The Science of the Good Life: Increase Productivity
In this podcast Louisa Jewell shares an amazing technique that will increase your productivity and help you get way more done in your day!
Nov 13, 2014
6 min
The Science of the Good Life: What is Positive Psychology
This short podcast describes what positive psychology is and what it is not.
Nov 11, 2014
5 min