Looking Within - A Contemplative Podcast Podcast

Looking Within - A Contemplative Podcast

Julie Stevens
Looking Within is a podcast to help you quiet your mind, settle your body, and see God’s presence in your everyday life. Julie Stevens leads this program with the hope your time together will help you to feel more grounded, whole, and filled with a growing desire to be a conduit of God’s love and presence to the world around you.
Goodbye for now, but hello as well!
This is the final episode for now of “Looking Within,” but we’re very excited to be offering a new Facebook page called the “Looking Within Collective” to help you on your inner journey!
Jun 7, 2021
11 min
Get on with doing what you’re meant to do!
The pearls of wisdom of those who have gone before us would be many! But one pearl sure to make the list would be the reminder that life is short. Don’t waste time on inner offenses, or on inner upset over unfulfilled expectations for life and others. Just get on with doing what you’re meant to do!
May 31, 2021
13 min
Doesn’t Waiting Just Drive You Crazy?
We are not always good at waiting, are we! It can be annoying to have to wait for things or people, seemingly taking up many moments of our life. But although we don’t like waiting, it is often the most important part of the spiritual journey.
May 24, 2021
13 min
Prayers in Real-Time
Jesus prays for you, in real time. Could there be a more comforting reality that's securely wrapped around your life? -- that you're loved and supported by wonderful people, but above all, by Jesus?
May 17, 2021
9 min
Chosen to Love
God does not primarily choose any of us for a role or task. God is really choosing us to be God’s self in the world, in our own unique situations and settings. We are each a part of uniquely being the face of God, sharing divine love in a way that no one else can or will.
May 10, 2021
12 min
Have You Forgotten Your True Identity?
Do you ever have one of those days when you just need to be loved? Do you ever doubt that who you are, or what you have to offer to the world, is really all that valuable? It’s so easy to forget our true identity as beloveds of God. You are enough. You are just right!
May 3, 2021
12 min
Love Needs Only the Simplest of Moments
Today may you be encouraged in the role you play in your corner of the world. As helpless as we might feel to make even a dent in humanity’s challenges, it is a first, wonderful step to let our hearts soften in love.
Apr 26, 2021
13 min
Contemplation: Your Life is Your Spiritual Practice
Contemplation is really just another word for prayer. At its core is relationship, and not the saying of prayers or the making requests to God (which are good and important in their own right). Contemplation brings us into a life lived in constant union and relationship with God.
Apr 19, 2021
15 min
There Is Gold Inside of You
There is gold inside of you, longing for your attention to see new possibilities, new things to explore or to do, new ways of being that allow your wonderful light to shine as a uniquely made child of God.
Apr 12, 2021
15 min
Dry and Crusty Becomes Fresh and New
It’s time to shed the dry crustiness that’s clinging to us from the winter. And if you’re feeling a little lost, weakened, and parched from the year now past, then remember the Risen Christ is always present to guide and strengthen you.
Apr 5, 2021
14 min
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