via Podcasts
How do I get to your premium content!?
I’ve been a subscriber to TNP for years and all of a sudden I do not have access to your premium content anymore.
I’ve tried to look for links, but I can’t find any. And I can’t recall how I subscribe in the first place.
Great podcast 2023
Well just found out my favorite show with Tucker clarson got removed from Fox, so I'll go back with you guys! Lol jk. Hope you guys keep the podcast going even if one of y'all is moving .
5 star rating!!!
Rizzy rod
Excellent podcast
I really enjoy the different perspectives. The hosts are always well informed. 👍
jo Baltimore
Best political podcast. Jay and Andy are fire.
Nuff said.
Aar0n Jay
Oatmeal vs. Cream of Wheat
I used to get my news and opinion from Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Alex Jones but then someone said replacing my brain with a bowl of oatmeal wasn’t a wise choice. I got my brain back and now listen to Lean Forward and I eat Cream of Wheat. I do feel smarter...
Best podcast
Best host, Brad and Andy and sometimes Jay... Now that Info Wars is gone I started to listen to this podcast, this is way better !!! And have good opinions and it open my eyes. Keep it up fellows :)
One of the best places to go for a political podcast
I have tried to listen to other podcasts about the current political climate and not many are worth wasting more than a few minutes on. This is one of the best podcasts where you can get the host's unfettered views on how they see the current direction of our government and I love it. So many people these days are worried about upsetting someone, so other shows tend to try to be as mediocre as possible so as not to be offensive in any way and we all know that that's not real life. This podcast is where you go if you what a real opinion from people with actual knowledge of what they are talking about. I would give it ten stars if i could.
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5 Stars
When I first went premium I wasn’t expecting much from this show. It has now turned out to be my favorite. If you want to hear about our terrible political landscape in a fun way, this is the show for you. Jay and Andy do great job of breaking things down so even a dullard like me can understand. Great show and great network.
Even when Alex Jones makes an appearance.
5 Stars
Informative and entertaining political podcast. The hosts break down what's happening in politics in a way that's very understandable. Jay is great, as he is on all of the TNP shows, and Andy is a special kind of hilarious. Don't just subscribe to the podcast, pay for the premium content. *Michelle
Reason I went premium
This show is the reason I went premium, and it is worth the $5 a month alone. Jay and Andy's commentary is needed for this administration and all the crap they are trying to pass. Go premium, laugh, pay monthly, and give Black business that extra $10 a year.
Whitewalker Soy
Informative and Funny
Been following these savvy jokers for a while but I knew it was worth paying for after the Republicans failed to repeal the ACA. Hearing these guys delve into the idiosyncrasies of government and policy shows they know what they’re talking about but the way they tear into incompetent politicians (from both parties) is a special treat. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Best Political Talk Show
This is hands down, the best talk show about politics. I love that the hosts discuss policy, our presidential candidates and other hot topics intelligently instead of saying things for shock value. Jay and his senior political correspondent, Andy (I will always refer to him as that because its an awesome title) are two of the best podcast hosts, period. If you're looking for sound, reasonable, and nuanced discussions about current events, this show is for you.
Five stars.
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Supa Hot Fire
Jay and his rotating cast of co-hosts always bring an interesting and entertaining perspective to news and politics. This is a good podcast...
...for me to poop on
Hort Subterfuge
Great Political Podcast
This is a really informative podcast, I watch the political shows on tv but sometimes I don't grasp it as I do on here when you guys break it down for us and give real world scenarios of what could happen. Thanks for the podcast keep up the great work