Loh Down on Science: Special Pandemic Edition Podcast
Loh Down on Science: Special Pandemic Edition
Sandra Tsing Loh
Loh Down on Science: Special Pandemic Edition
Sandra Tsing Loh
The Loh Down on Science: Special Pandemic Edition explores the science and history of pandemics (appropriate for middle school and up). Each week, fascinating new three-minute modules are reported by science writers from the Loh Down on Science "Hive." Subjects include: global crises' unexpected "silver linings" (i.e. technological innovations), what Isaac Newton did during HIS 1600's college quarantine, the science of soap, COVID-19's surprising impacts on climate change, and Folding@home, a cool new project seeking to model a coronavirus cure with the help of our home computers (it worked for Ebola!).
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 9 days
Latest episode
4 years ago
December 22, 2020
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