Journalism during the pandemic, challenges and innovation, and dangers Podcast

Journalism during the pandemic, challenges and innovation, and dangers

Rachael Jolley
A series of podcasts about journalism during the pandemic, interviews with global experts including the BBC's former head of global news Richard Sambrook, Italian journalism Laura Silvia Battaglia, Belgian journalist and commentator Jean-Paul Marthoz, Damian Radcliffe on innovation, Lada Price on eastern Europe and Kirstin McCudden of the US Press Freedom Tracker. Made in conjunction with Pod Academy, a podcasting platform that encourages academics to talk about research to the public.
The dangerous business of journalism during the pandemic
How has journalism come under attack during the pandemic? From government legislation to physical attacks, the attempts to stop journalists reporting have been many. We talk to experts around the world about what has been happening. Recorded in conjunction with Pod Academy.
Feb 20, 2021
12 min
What are the lessons for local news reporters learned during the pandemic, and what is pink slime news?
This podcast, made in conjunction with Pod Academy, interviews leading academics on how local journalists and journalism has coped during the pandemic.  Can a new type of hyper-local journalism be the answer for local news and local democracy? And how will it be funded? It is clearly a time of chance and challenge for local news around the world as it struggles to cope with covering the pandemic – the rising levels of violence, anti-mask actions, and violent attack.  But there are signs of optimism with the rapid growth in readers on-line for news sites and a new trend, the news newsletter. It includes interviews with Damian Radcliffe, a professor of journalism at the University of Oregon, Michael Sassi, a honorary professor at Nottingham Trent University and a former editor of the daily newspaper the Nottingham Post, and Kate Heathman, a senior lecturer in journalism at Liverpool John Moores University. Themes: the future of local journalism, threats to local journalism, anti-mask protests, the rise of the news newsletter, and how police forces are headhunting senior journalists to be their spokespeople, and why this might be a worry.
Jan 20, 2021
32 min
Local news and the pandemic
Clip of an interview with Natalie Fahy, whose job includes being editor of the Nottingham Post, about the logistical challenges she faced to keep the news team going during the pandemic..
Nov 18, 2020
1 min