Show notes
Guild Mentoring; S I N officer Q&A -“Linnzythina” hangs out in the LiS dishwasher with SIN guild officers to talk mentoring, thunder feet, and the upcoming new content, Burning Crusade...wait what?
Dungeon Scenarios, MoP & Brewfest, Tributes - “Phèe” is setting the world on fire so everyone can lay staring at the ceiling in monasteries while having monk meat. Rachel Wilson does a fly-by and everyone throws out the script.
Release the Panda’s, We’re going digital and wireless - “Trambo” Comes in from the other side of the world to talk to us about Expansion and Blizzard Swag.
St. Jude fundraiser, Mega Bloks, and Get a job with IBM by playing WoW - “Satsoga” sits in the corner talking about WoW blade server auction while playing with Lego’s, hoping to work on his IBM resume by getting more World of Warcraft gameplay in.
Remember you can always catch up with your Living in S I N crew at:
Ustream: (Live show every 2nd Saturday 4pm (Ravenhodlt-US Server time)