Living Forward Podcast

Living Forward

Dr. Cathy Robbs Baker
Living Forward means making intentional proactive decisions that keep you moving through life in a positive way. Join Life Coach and Bible teacher Dr. Cathy Robbs Baker as she uses biblically-based principles and Bible studies to coach people forward. Through her diverse podcast sessions, learn to become intentional about your emotions, thoughts, words, and actions. Learn through inspirational Bible studies and informative coaching sessions for parents how to live forward in your faith walk.
Session 7: Growing Through Grief and Loss
We look at how to work through our grief and loss in a healthy way. The story of Job will serve as our inspiration for staying faithful and working through our emotions. I will share a five step process to help you identify those chaotic thought patterns that might be contributing to your stress and anxiety through loss.
Sep 27, 2023
54 min
Session 6: Breakthroughs in Your Faith Journey
Our journey of faith is a life-long process. In this lesson I'll share six stages of faith that we cycle in and out of over our lifetime. It's based on James Fowlers work The Stages of Faith which was the basis of my doctoral dissertation. I hope you'll find yourself in the journey and learn about the process of turning your breakdowns into breakthroughs.
Sep 21, 2023
1 hr 12 min
Session 5: Looking Back to Move Forward
I share some interesing ways to look at family experiences: the 10 commandments of families, the needs pie, and the Beavers Scale of Family Functioning. We'll look at Joseph as our biblical model.
Sep 21, 2023
1 hr 3 min
Session 4: Know Thyself
In order to know God better we need to know ourselves better. In this lesson you will learn how to better know your emotional life, how to better discern God's will, and how to become a highly differentiated person!
Sep 21, 2023
1 hr
Session 3: Therapist Day
Learn from three therapists about how to better handle your emotions. We know our emotional life affects our spiritual life, so use these strategeis to become emotionally healthy.
Aug 30, 2023
1 hr 8 min
Session 2: 10 Habits of Emotionally Unhealthy Christians
Learn how it looks when we don't get control of our emotions. Then you'll see King Saul as an example of an emotionally unhealthy follower of God. We'll see that there are always consequences to our unhealthy patterns but God constantly wants to lead us back to him.
Aug 30, 2023
1 hr 11 min
Session 1: Becoming an Emtional Healthy Christian
Learn how the emotional needs of the four personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic.
Aug 30, 2023
1 hr 10 min
Session 6: Comparing King Saul and King David
We will rewind the stories of Saul and David to see what led each of them to turn their hearts from God. We'll learn from David how to take our brokenness and be rebuilt by God's amazing grace.
May 17, 2023
36 min
Session 5: David Transports the Ark Plus David and Bathsheba
Has your life ever changedin the blink of an eye? When something (someone!) shiny caught David's eye,instead of focusing on God, he made a detour that changed his life forever.Learn about God's grace and mercy even when you too take a detour!
May 11, 2023
1 hr 4 min
Session 4: David on the Run from Saul
Saul is after David! He attempts to kill him several times and each time David seeks guidance from the Lord. He ends up "cave running." How do you handle the crises in your life? We'll look at how David deals with his emotions on the run and learn how to cry out to God in faith.
May 3, 2023
55 min
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