Living Bilingual Abroad Podcast

Living Bilingual Abroad

Ty Gordon
A Canadian in the South of Chile I created this space to be vulnerable and share my personal struggles and success with communication between cultures, language and personal relationships. If your looking for some mind blowing ´perspective shifts´, stay tuned!
Connecting Authenticity and Self Worth
Today we get nice and personal with ourselves, discovering and digging deeper into the connection between authenticity and self-worth. What is self-worth and how can we manifested? Join us, and find out.
Sep 15, 2021
10 min
How to Speak Confidently About Your Language Level
IG FB ExpatRealTalk - Language and Loneliness What level are? Are you fluent? How long have you been studying? How do you reply to these questions confidently and without justifying your current position in the process?  Define your own success.  This moment when somebody asks you about your language learning it is a celebration, a reflection on how far you come and where you are going.
Jul 13, 2021
8 min
How to Validate Yourself as a 2nd Language Speaker
IG FB ExpatRealTalk - Language and Loneliness Welcome to the first episode of ´Living Bilingual Abroad´ Today we dive into ´How to Validate Yourself as a 2nd Language Speaker´ Defining YOUR goal Visualization of YOUR chosen Success Celebration and Reflection
Feb 11, 2021
11 min