Live It Or Waste It Podcast

Live It Or Waste It

David Guggenheim & David Wein
Welcome to the show that's all about getting the most out of your life. If you are in-process of changing your life - and you’re seeking a community of like-minded people, then this is the show to follow. Join David Guggenheim and Dave Wein on their journey of remaking their lives, the way they want with the help of the Live It or Waste It community. New episodes drop every Monday.
049: Set Your Boundaries
Word of the Week: Inspire! Topic of the week: Quarantine edition communication series: Setting positive boundaries for yourself Video of the week: Boundaries - The R Spot - Season 3 - Episode 9 - by Iyanla Vanzant A boundary is a demonstration of self respect and respect for others. It’s a structure or expectionation you put in place to define or limit behavior, people or experiences that are not in line with who you are and what you need or want and what you expect. They keep us safe from internal and external intrusion. They keep us aware of how far we can go, how much we can do with others, for others, and makes others aware of what we expect and we will accept. - Boundaries are not walls to keep people away, they are parameters that keep us safe - You can’t control how people treat you, but you can communicate what you will tolerate. If they can’t respect those boundaries then you can’t have them in your life because they don’t respect you. - Think about what you need to feel and how you need to be and what you want from others in order to experience honor and respect. - Announce your boundaries. They must be announced once they’ve been defined. - Remember when you are first starting out you have to be patient and flexible with yourself and with others. Boundaries are more than likely be violated in the beginning even when they are aware and consciously trying to honor your boundaries. When this happens just remind them of the new boundary and what’s acceptable. And honor and acknowledge those who do respect your boundaries. And if there are those who won’t honor these boundaries then you should remove them from your life if possible. Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine edition. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
Jul 27, 2020
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048: Know Thy Self
instead of giving you yet another "check-in" show we decided to do something a little out there, a little exciting and maybe even be a little dangerous. We decided to be real. Really, real and let out our inner-most strengths and weaknesses. How did we do this? We took a personality test and are sharing the best and worst aspects of our personality. It was also a lot of fun - take it yourself and share the results with us on the Facebook Page. Word of the Week: Quiet! Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine edition communication series, where we talk more about healthy ways to ask for what we want through setting boundaries. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
Jul 20, 2020
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047: Communication
Word of the Week: Self-Love! Topic of the Week: Quarantine edition - Communication series Video of the week:10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee Her lecture begins with her making the point that research has shown that we don’t listen to each other. We base our decisions strictly on what we already believe and now more than even less open to different points or compromise. Celeste had 10 ways to have a better conversation. Things we’ve been taught like Looking people in the eye, show you’re paying attention, think of things to say before hand, etc are all crap. 1) Be present. 2) Don’t pontificate. 3) Use open ended questions. 4) Go with the flow. 5) Don’t equate their experience with yours. 6) Conversations are not an NOT opportunity to promote yourself. 7) Don’t repeat yourself or rephrase the same thing over and over. 8) Stay out of the weeds. 9) Listen. 10) Be brief. Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine edition communication series, where we talk more about healthy ways to ask for what we want. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
Jul 13, 2020
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046: Quarantine Depression & Anxiety
Word of the Week: Organize! Topic of the Week: Quarantine Depression & Anxiety Video of the week: Daily Habits to Prevent Depression During Stressful Times- Coronavirus or Covid-19 Depression Things to include to set the tone of your morning routine Express gratitude. Avoid social media and the news Get enough sleep. Sleep has been linked to depression. Nutrition! Eat right and take your vitamins Exercise! Get outside Make relaxation a priority Journal Limit screens before bed Schedule time for self care Make time far meaning social interaction Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine Inner self series, where we talk more about self awareness. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
Jul 6, 2020
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045: Checking in with the Davids June 2020 Edition
Word of the Week: Accountability! Taking ownership for your actions! When you take accountability you give yourself power. When you blame others you take away your power. How can you change your behavior if you believe that your behavior is contingent on someone else’s actions. Topic of the Week: Checking in with the Davids- Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine Inner self series, where we talk more about self awareness. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
Jun 29, 2020
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044: Refreshing Your Morning Routine
Word of the Week: Believe! Topic of the Week: Quarantine Edition/Inner Self Series:- Refreshing Your Morning Routine Video of the week:Billionaires Do This For 10 Minutes Every Morning - Mel Robbins How you start your morning dictates how your day goes. If you don’t have a morning routine your day will get hijacked by the world. Refreshing your routine especially now with all the changes happening in the world. Is your routine right for this new way of life? What can you add or change to your routine that would make you do more efficiently? What can you add or change to your morning that will fulfill your life more? What can you add or change to your morning routine that will enhance your relationships? What can you add or change to your morning routine that will improve your state of mind? Your health? What can you add or change that will motivate you to be productive throughout the day? What is feasible? Be honest with what you’re capable of right now. What would you like to work up to? What should you take Baby steps to achieve? Include one thing for 10 or 15 minutes of working on something you’ve been wanting to do but have been putting off because it seems overwhelming. (example, opening a restaurant) Instead of thinking about opening a restaurant, focus on just spending a short time researching how to open a restaurant. Baby steps added to your morning routine will give you momentum. Towards your project and towards the rest of your day. The momentum will snowball, it will give you confidence by seeing results. Results are the best confidence builder. But you have to take action to see results. Visualization is a key component to adding to your routine. According to Mel Studies at ucla has show this to be effective. You have to take time to visualize yourself taking the steps, doing the work needed to be done to get to where you want to be. Feel the emotions attached to it. Get excited about it. Living it before it happens. Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine Inner self series, where we talk more about self awareness and how changing your point of view can change your reality. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
Jun 22, 2020
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043: George Floyd
You can't live it if you can't breathe. We dedicate this very special edition of Live It or Waste It to the memory and movement spawned after Mr. George Floyd. Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine Inner self series, where we talk more about self awareness and how changing your point of view can change your reality. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
Jun 8, 2020
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042: Quarantine Edition: Checking in with the Davids
It's been a long quarantine and it doesn't look like normalcy is returning any time soon. Under these circumstances what are the tips and techniques we've been using and have they been working? Word of the Week:Therapy! We're mixing things up a little bit. Our video of the week has to do with our word of the week. Video of the week:5 Signs that You Need Therapy! | Kati Morton Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine Inner self series, where we talk more about self awareness and how changing your point of view can change your reality. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
Jun 1, 2020
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041: Quarantine Edition: Own Your Communication
Word of the Week: Balance! Topic of the Week: Quarantine Edition Inner Self Series: Self Awareness - Own Your Communication Video of the Week: Own Your Behaviours, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success | Louise Evans | TEDxGenova Louise Evans work is about researching the questions, What behaviors and attitudes do we bring into the world? On the stage with Louise are 5 chairs. Each a different color and each chair represents a reaction the people have to situations and the idea is to help us slow down how we are behaving and to analyze our behaviors. 1) On the red chair is a picture of a jackal which represents attack 2) The yellow chair is the hedgehog chair. We curl up and protect ourselves from the big bad world by harshly judging ourselves and play the victim. 3) The green chair is the meer cat chair. This is when we are mindful, thoughtful, curious, we take a breath before making a decision. 4) The blue chair, the dolphin chair represents Detect. We become detective of ourselves. 5) The purple chair, the giraffe chair which represents connect. This is where we put our egos on the back-burner and we show empathy, compassion, understanding, we listen to people. The next time you’re presented with a challenge, you are about to snap at your partner, or kids, which chair will you sit in? And if you find yourself in the red chair can you at least acknowledge it, be aware that it wasn’t the right choice and say “i’m sorry”. Because then you can free yourself of that and recognize there’s a better way. Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine Inner self series, where we talk more about self awareness and how changing your point of view can change your reality. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
May 25, 2020
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040: Quarantine Edition: Self-Awareness & Emotional Intelligence
As we continue to live under quarantine we also continue to get used to this new normal. But of course as with many things the more things change, the more they stay the same. As such we continue to refine ourselves and do whatever we can to be healthy, productive members of society. And we continue to wear our masks!!!! Word of the Week: What! Topic of the Week: Quarantine Edition Inner Self Series: Self Awareness and Emotional Intelligence Video of the week: Self Awareness Activities Top 5: Emotional Intelligence #3 by Steve Faulkner Faulkner talks about 5 daily activities you can do to practice self awareness. 1) Daily reflection 2) Keep a journal 3) Get feedback 4) Analysis tools 5) Existing models Please share any tips or suggestions you have that may help us get through this crisis and let us know what you thought of this episode. Join us next week, when we continue our Living it under quarantine Inner self series where we talk more about self awareness and owning our behaviors and mastering communication. AS ALWAYS Remember to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE Join us on our Live It or Waste It Facebook page - just search Live It Or Waste It NOW AND we’re on Instagram - so please check out all the memes you can handle over there. For those of you who would like to financially support this podcast, we ask you to go to: DG: DW: Now stay inside and live it! Don’t waste it! Peace and love!
May 18, 2020
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