I'm happy to say the most frequent question I get off the back of my podcast is how do I study as a herbalist? This podcast, and final episode, aims to answer that question for anyone in the UK and gives some online options too. The information in this podcast was true in 2018. Please check the course websites below to ensure nothing has changed since then. You’ll see from the list I’ve placed below how incredibly varied the courses are now but generally last 3 years. Although this is aimed at people wanting to practice as a herbalist you’ll find that almost every institution offers courses which suit those of you with a casual interest in herbal medicine for home use too. Visit our website for the full list of courses. http://foragebotanicals.co.uk/forage-botanicals/how-to-become-a-herbalist
Jan 9, 2019
38 min

Belle Benfield shares with us her deep rooted connection with Elecampane. She became a herbalist after years of studying on an apprenticeship with Karen and Fi from Sensory Solutions and now works side by side with them. Elecampane is a root which is harvested in Autumn. I have grown this herb and candied it in the past for coughs but Belle raised other uses with me. Such as, it's amazing ability to kill MRSA! She also spoke about its associations with Helen of Troy and... Amparo's website: www.bellebenfield.com Sensory Solutions' website: www.sensorysolutions.co.uk Belle's seed pilgrimmage: https://seedpilgrimage.wordpress.com/
Mar 8, 2018
1 hr

Amparo is a Spanish born Scotland based herbalist. She learnt Herbal Medicine in the UK and is currently training to become a doctor. She brings a fresh look at Marshmallow using her wonderfully in-depth and colourful knowledge of phytochemistry. Marshmallow gave it's name to the sweet. It's wonderfully softening and soothing properties most commonly used for digestion. Amaro explains how she likes to prepare and use it. It's a herb I have a lot of but don't use much. I'd like to apologise for the late publishing of this podcast. I had to take my sweet time on the sound levels in post-production and well, it was a right FAFF! Amparo's website: https://mediciplant.com
Jan 17, 2018
53 min

Sarah Smith is an old friend of mine. She qualified from Lincoln University just a couple years after me. Since then she's gone on to qualify in massage, and as a doula. I have to say, Sarah gives the best deep tissue massage I've ever had! She loves women's health as much as me and we talked about Shepherd's purse as it is a traditional herb to stop excessive menstruation. But from there we go down all kinds of conversational rabbit holes involving clinical trials and ending with pornography. Tune in to hear the madness! Sarah's website: https://redearthholistictherapies.com/about/
Nov 1, 2017
51 min

Vivienne Campbell is an herbalist based in Ireland. She is passionate about Rose. I'm sure drinking rose tincture whilst recording helped a little with that too. She uses roses as a wild food, natural cosmetic and in her herbal medicine clinic. She's created an amazing online course in which she teaches how to use local plants as herbal medicines and nutritious wild foods. In this episode we talk about the medicinal value of Roses which she says she couldn’t do without in her clinic. We talk mostly about the wonderful uplifting properties it has for emotions. It's famous for its association with love but that's often seen as a romantic thing when in fact there is a lot of depth to the healing properties of the love. Vivienne's website: https://theherbalhub.com Vivienne's courses: https://theherbalhub.com/online-courses/bargin-bundle/
Oct 9, 2017
1 hr 11 min

In this episode I talk about the common Peppermint with Erika Galentin. We discuss how Peppermint is not just cooling but also potentially irritating and heating to the body. How information about herbal medicine can be pretty unreliable online. Why it's important to use essential oils safely and how different herbalism is in the UK vs. the USA where she's based. Erika is a wonderfully inspiring herbalist who has successfully transitioned from one form of herbal medicine to another. She is the course development director for the wonderful Herbal Academy.
Jun 20, 2017
1 hr 11 min

In this episode I talk about 2 herbs! Cowslip and Primrose, with Fiona Heckles. She is part of a herbal company called Sensory Solutions which is made up of Karen Lawton and Belle. Karen has already been on the podcast and Belle is going to be on later this year. So I'll have collected all 3! Like pokemon.. They run an incredible course and it was a pleasure to speak to Fiona about these two herbs. They are so closely related but one is endangered in some areas where the other is not. Links: Sensory Solutions website Sensory Solutions Apprenticeships Listen to Herbs course
May 31, 2017
1 hr 6 min

In this episode I talk to Alice Bettany about Catnip (Nepeta cataria) a herb which is often associated with children as it is so gentle. But gentle doesn't mean it isn't effective! We're so used to hitting things with a sledge hammer now a days we've lost respect for the gentle things in life. We also talked about she sheds and the comfort of a big bosom.. as you do. Links: Alice's herb boxes Alice's herbal retreat Alice's instagram Alice's Facebook Listen to Herbs course
May 19, 2017
1 hr 3 min

In this episode we talk about a lesser well-know herb, Sweet Violet, with Kate Scott. Kate has a rich history of female herbalists in her family dating as far back as the 16th century. It was especially nice to speak about herbs which grow readily in the UK but have become forgotten, native adaptogens and more. You'll find her website and other things we spoke about listed below: Kate's website Poyntzfield nursery Listen to Herbs course
Mar 30, 2017
55 min

Deanne Greenwood is a herbalist from Cornwall with a colourful background. She talks to us about reviving Rosemary in this episode. Rosemary is known by everyone because it is so commonly used for cooking. But did you know it's also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and energising? It stimulates the circulation and helps keep you warm in the winter months. Deanne takes me through why it's one of her favourite herbs and how she likes to prepare her very own tincture of it.
Feb 23, 2017
56 min
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