Fuel Your Strength
Fuel Your Strength
Steph Gaudreau
Become The CEO of Your Own Health w/ Dr. Mariza Snyder
1 hour 9 minutes Posted Jul 3, 2018 at 1:00 am.
Dr. Mariza Snyder is one big ball of energy, and today she brings her expertise on women’s hormones to Harder to Kill Radio. Many of us, especially the females in the house, feel a certain type of guilt about putting ourselves first, so we overcompensate by prioritizing everyone else’s needs above our own. Dr. Mariza is here to stop the guilt train help all women take an introspective look at themselves to become the CEO of your own health.  Support the podcast by clicking SUBSCRIBE on your podcast app and leaving a review. I love hearing from you, especially about how the show has impacted your life. www.stupideasypaleo.com/category/podcast   About Dr. Mariza Snyder Dr. Mariza believes she was put on this earth to serve women, but you can’t successfully fulfill your purpose if you aren’t taking care of yourself first. By recognizing stress, being okay with saying no, and figuring out what you have space for in your life, you can start to prioritize yourself and stand up for your right to an energetic and fulfilling life. Dr. Mariza shares her tips on how to decide what is important in your life so you can get the most out of it. Do you feel like you need an energy shift? Listen to today's episode to get started on your journey of rediscovery to a happier and healthier you. What are your biggest takeaways from Dr. Mariza? Let me know in the comments on the show notes page!   On Today’s Episode Dr. Mariza’s views on why self-care is a necessity Why your mindset is the biggest factor in taking care of yourself Prioritizing your own happiness and personal needs Signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance and what to do about it The importance of getting an objective opinion on your health Dr. Mariza’s morning and evening rituals   Quotes “I realized I was holding on to this really strong deep seeded belief that as a woman my worth was defined by how busy I was, how much I gave to everyone else and how little I prioritized myself”
“In order for me to show up and serve and do the life’s work that I was meant to do, I have to take care of myself throughout the day.”
“I felt like women kept asking permission, and I always say, ‘Who’s permission are you waiting for? Whose permission are we waiting for?’, why did I always think I needed someone else’s permission to map out the life that I wanted?
“At the end of the day it really is your body and nobody knows your body better than you.”
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Show notes
Dr. Mariza Snyder is one big ball of energy, and today she brings her expertise on women’s hormones to Harder to Kill Radio. Many of us, especially the females in the house, feel a certain type of guilt about putting ourselves first, so we overcompensate by prioritizing everyone else’s needs above our own. Dr. Mariza is here to stop the guilt train help all women take an introspective look at themselves to become the CEO of your own health.  Support the podcast by clicking SUBSCRIBE on your podcast app and leaving a review. I love hearing from you, especially about how the show has impacted your life. www.stupideasypaleo.com/category/podcast   About Dr. Mariza Snyder Dr. Mariza believes she was put on this earth to serve women, but you can’t successfully fulfill your purpose if you aren’t taking care of yourself first. By recognizing stress, being okay with saying no, and figuring out what you have space for in your life, you can start to prioritize yourself and stand up for your right to an energetic and fulfilling life. Dr. Mariza shares her tips on how to decide what is important in your life so you can get the most out of it. Do you feel like you need an energy shift? Listen to today's episode to get started on your journey of rediscovery to a happier and healthier you. What are your biggest takeaways from Dr. Mariza? Let me know in the comments on the show notes page!   On Today’s Episode Dr. Mariza’s views on why self-care is a necessity Why your mindset is the biggest factor in taking care of yourself Prioritizing your own happiness and personal needs Signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance and what to do about it The importance of getting an objective opinion on your health Dr. Mariza’s morning and evening rituals   Quotes “I realized I was holding on to this really strong deep seeded belief that as a woman my worth was defined by how busy I was, how much I gave to everyone else and how little I prioritized myself” (19:49)  “In order for me to show up and serve and do the life’s work that I was meant to do, I have to take care of myself throughout the day.” (22:26) “I felt like women kept asking permission, and I always say, ‘Who’s permission are you waiting for? Whose permission are we waiting for?’, why did I always think I needed someone else’s permission to map out the life that I wanted? (38:00)  “At the end of the day it really is your body and nobody knows your body better than you.” (50:14)   Resources Mentioned In This Show Dr. Mariza’s Website Subscribe To The Essentially You Podcast Follow Dr. Mariza on Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | YouTube | Twitter    Check out the full show notes here! Follow Steph on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest I'd really love it if you would take 1 min and leave us a rating and review on iTunes!