pray without ceasing,
I Thessalonians 5:17 NKJV
. We thank God for everything He has taught us in this season and we pray that we all apply it as He continues to teach us more and give us more understanding in Jesus name, amen. Let's always pray without ceasing. In every situation, in every season, in every way, communicate with your Father. He's always listening. You can do it through your words, thoughts, actions or deeds. Don't let anything/any situation/anyone stop or limit your communication with your Father. Be intentional. May the Lord continue to help us in Jesus name, amen. Listen and be blessed.
Jan 21, 2021
1 hr 3 min

The secret place is an important place and position to be in as we walk with God. Its where intimacy is birthed, its where we truly get to know God. We need to understand that God doesn't want us to only go into the secret place but always dwell there. May God give us more understanding in Jesus name,amen. Be blessed as you listen.
Jan 21, 2021
37 min

We live by faith and not by sight. Feelings are okay, but like a quote put it, 'we have to inform the pain of feelings about what our faith knows is true'. Its okay to not be okay, but just don't go outside God to look for help. True help is only found in God. Don't depend on your feelings, they are not constant. Depend on God, focus on God, grow your faith. Listen and be blessed.
Jan 21, 2021
1 hr

Storms will come, so will victorious times come. In every season of our lives, we need to learn that God is with us and we need to learn to put our focus on Him. Listen and be blessed.
Jan 21, 2021
29 min

Praise is powerful. We should always give God in every season of our lives. Praise does wonders. Be blessed as you listen.
Jan 21, 2021
45 min

Merry Christmas everyone. As we celebrate today, lets not forget to show love to people. That was the basis of Gods act when He gave us His son. Let's share light, love, truth_in summary, intentionally show Jesus. We pray that reflecting Jesus will be our lifestyle and we pray God helps us all to grow in this in Jesus' name, amen. Listen and be blessed.
Jan 21, 2021
38 min

To be fruitful or productive in life, discipline is very key. We also have to be disciplined in our relationship with God. Listen and be blessed.
Jan 21, 2021
23 min

God is good. God will have us be intentional about our prayer lives. To pray without ceasing might not be so easy if we don't plan aright and intentionally make out time. May God continue to bless and help us in Jesus name, amen. Listen and be blessed.
Jan 21, 2021
45 min

Don’t we all need to be reminded of the promises of God? We all go through different seasons and we need God’s word to help us go through them. Listen and be blessed.
Jan 20, 2021
21 min

It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still sleeping, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24 NKJV. Feedback simply means a reponse. Our God always gives feedback and He does it in different ways. The more you grow intimacy with God the more you know how He responds,_are able to pick the different ways He responds and even interprete His response. Be blessed as you listen and feel free to share.
Dec 23, 2020
45 min
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