Manifestation in your business is essential for generating high cash months! As someone who has mastered the 5-figure months with ease today I share my favorite manifesting methods with you!
Apr 5, 2024
28 min

I am back and I have missed ya'll!! Let's kick off my comeback episode with starting to talk about MONEY. One of my favorite topics to help people with. I apologize for the audio. Sounds like my mic needs to be replaced. There will be a new episode weekly! Love you big!
Mar 22, 2024
15 min

Want to manifest a life you are fucking obsessed with? I want that for you too!! We'll have to work on clearing some blocks preventing you from receiving and blocks that are keeping you low vibe. You are not bad or wrong for these. You are human. We have all experienced and operated from these low level beliefs and actions and the good news is you can heal your way out of them. Most of us are not even aware we do some of these and we are certainly not aware they are blocking us from receiving and manifesting our deepest desires. But they are and honestly just being aware of them helps release their hold on you.
These blocks are judgement, comparison, not feeling good enough and believing there isn't enough to go around. This quick episode breaks down what and how these are preventing you from tapping into your manifesting powers!! See you on the inside you beautiful soul!
Apr 21, 2023
15 min

I was riddled with anxiety. The kind of anxiety that ruled my life. I was miserable, couldn't sleep or get on a plane without Xanax. I was angry, yelling at my kids all the time, always thought I was dying of cancer, had anxiety attacks OFTEN while driving or trying to sleep and the list goes on. If you have ever struggled with anxiety you know the suffering involved.
Meditation was introduced to me at the age of 27 when I was in college taking a Buddhist psychotherapy course. I hated it. I struggled and I thought "I can't do this." I didn't meditate again for almost 10 years, but I know now that first exposure to mediation was what really made me open to restarting the practice almost 10 years later. I was desperate honestly. I hated relying on Xanax to calm me down. Not only did it calm me down, but it dulled my senses.
I committed to trying this whole meditation thing and HOLY SMOKES!! IT changed my life! IT also got rid of my anxiety once and for all and I live medication free and anxiety free and have the most calm and peace of mind. Today I will break down meditation more, how it helped cure my anxiety and I hope you find value in it. Even if you don't struggle with anxiety or depression, meditation can have a profound impact on your life.
AS promised in the show here are some of my favorite meditations. From beginner to more advanced! Enjoy
Kirtan Kriya: https://youtu.be/EVPunsVXxMw
Apr 7, 2023
24 min

Where are my achievement addicted friends? Well hello friend! I am a recovering achievement addict. I still set big goals, run for achievements but the biggest difference is not I don't attach my worth to my achievements. One thing that really helped me was asking myself "who am I without my achievements?" Figuring out how to love myself and find my worth from within instead of external sources.
For my entire life I hustled for my worth. It made me feel like I had a void I could never fill, I was never able to truly celebrate when I did accomplish big things, and at the end of the day I felt burnt out.
When I decided I wanted my worth to come from within and didn't want my worth tied to my productivity there was a huge shift in my mental health. In my fulfillment.
Now I am still going to go after goals and achieve great things, but doing it from a place of already know I'm enough feels very different than doing it to feel enough.
Today's episode I share how I have been recovering from achievement addiction and hopefully bring some awareness. how you can heal too.
Mar 31, 2023
18 min

Want to be healthier, happier, make more money, have better relationships, be a better mom, enjoy life and take control of your mental and emotional health all while becoming more spiritually connected?? This morning routine did all of that for me! Today I break down my morning routine that changed the game for me. For someone who was self-proclaimed I was NOT a morning person, I have now created myself to be a morning person and crave this morning routine because of what its done for me. I cured debilitating anxiety all from this morning ritual.
Meditation prayer music from the show: https://youtu.be/BUlcMJjboEo
Mar 17, 2023
25 min

Manifestation isn't about wishing upon a star and you magically wake up to a million dollars in the bank account. It's who you become. Its a state of mind and a way of living and being. We are co-creating every minute of every day.. the problem is most of us are so focused on what we don't want, or focused on our current results instead of where we want to go so we are attracting all the things we don't want into our reality. Our thoughts, become emotions, and from our emotional state we take action. If we think crappy thoughts, we are going to feel crappy and low vibration and we are not going to show up taking action to get us to where we want to go. We can train our brain to start to focus on what we want, where we are going versus where we have been. It's not an overnight magical thing, its a process and a life long journey to discovering your power to create a life you fucking love!
This episode I break manifestation down and share why your manifestation may not be working for you and as promised in the show here are a couple of my favorite guided mediations/visualizations! ENJOY!
Mar 10, 2023
28 min

We all start at suck! Do you find yourself giving up on something you set out to do because you suck at it? Why are you quitting before your magic happens?? Well, its your ego, your little mind, your old paradigm telling you to quit because you are't good at it. NO ONE is great at something new they have never done before. Think of some of the greatest athletes or actors in the world who failed numerous times before having a breakthrough! Failing forward is part of life. Its part of the game. In this episode I am going to help you embrace the suck! Embrace falling flat on your face a few times before becoming a rockstar!!
Make sure to share this in your social stories and tag me if you found value in today's episode! Much love, Meg
Feb 24, 2023
20 min

Forgiveness isn't what you think it is. Forgiveness is the key to unlock your highest self, heal, and be able to achieve massive goals in your life. Without forgiveness you will stay stuck in your life. You will hold yourself back from truly achieving greatness! And guess what?? Forgiveness has NOTHING to do with the other person. IT IS FOR YOU! This episode we are going to break down this mythical creature of forgiveness so you can let go and move on with your badass self! Let's buckle up friends!
Feb 17, 2023
12 min

Two big concepts I discuss on today's episode are: You get to choose and You are not your thoughts! I know we think we have to feel a certain way about situations but I am here to help plant some seeds that you don't HAVE to feel any certain way. You are choosing every thought and emotion you feel. You get to choose how you make meaning of the circumstances in your life. You then get to choose what you think about the situation and choose to feel differently. There are so many thoughts and feelings we think and feel on a daily basis that are just not serving us. Wouldn't it feel free to know you have the power to choose and can choose to feel and live in a beautiful state no matter what is happening around you? I know that seems wild. I know that might seem impossible. But I have mastered this skill and the peace of mind, joyous state I get to choose to live in daily has empowered me to move mountains in my life.
You are also not your thoughts. Those thoughts that tell you how stupid you are, or unworthy or fat. Yeah, those. They are lies. Lies you have believed for so long but those are not the REAL you. I am going to help you start to realize how to analyze those thoughts, choose new thoughts that feel better to believe and work on reprogramming to build new beliefs about yourself that unblock you so you can step into your greatness and live that life you are fucking proud of!
If you like what you hear, take a screenshot and tag me in your stories on socials!! Want to work with me one one one? I offer life coaching packages. https://msha.ke/meagandesart
Feb 10, 2023
18 min
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