Guyala Bayles is a Birri Gubba and Wonnarua model, poet and actress. She uses her public platform and voice to shed light on issues affecting First Nations people. You may know Guyala best through her work as a model, but in this episode, she joins me to talk about her first love: writing and poetry. Together we discuss: •Guyala's personal journey as a poet •Racism and privilege in Australia •Speaking truth in the face of hate •How to take care of yourself when pursuing your dreams •The power of creating in Indigenous languages •Writing for healing and growth •And more, including a beautiful spoken word poem from Guyala Guyala's passion and wisdom bring incredible depth and insight to this conversation which is not to be missed. If there is a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect with me on Instagram @_lifeoutsidethelines Links & Resources Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines: https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide Guyala Bayles is a Birri Gubba and Wonnarua Model, Poet and Actress. You can find Guyala on instagram @guyala_lala or on facebook. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines! Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
May 3, 2021
43 min

In this episode I'm joined by poet and spoken word artist Sukina Pilgrim whose devotional poetry has connected with the hearts of thousands of people around the world.
Together we explore:
•Sufism and mystical verse
•The body as a pathway to the sacred
•Connecting with the Devine in modern times
•Self care as a spiritual practice
•Performative femininity vs reimagining the sacred feminine
•Women and the tyranny of perfectionism
•Sacred places
•And so much more including a poetry recitation from Sukina!
Note: Life Outside the Lines views gender as a spectrum, not a binary system. Sex and gender are distinct concepts with gender not assumed to be tied to sex. "Feminine" and "femininity" are (albeit imperfect) terms used to describe an energetic concept not linked to sex or gender.
If there is a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect with me on Instagram @tamsin__writes.
Links & Resources
Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines: https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide
Sukina Pilgrim is a Poet, Spoken Word Artist, Workshop Facilitator and Co-Founder of the Muslim female hip hop duo Poetic Pilgrimage. You can find Sukina on Instagram @sukina_pilgrim.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines!
Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
Mar 23, 2021
58 min

Many of us, particularly in the West, think of yoga as a practice of physical postures that we do on our yoga mats during a visit to the local studio. But what if we learned that it is so much more than this and we could take the benefits of yoga off the mat and into our everyday lives?
In this episode I'm joined by Yoga Teacher and Founder of My Wellness Company, Jyoti Chadda, to explore the core philosophies of yoga in a modern context.
We chat about:
•The eight components, or 'limbs', of yoga
•Cultivating mindfulness
•The power of introspection
•Capitalism and the commercialization of wellness, including why this might be making you feel worse not better, and what to do about it
•Tailoring your yoga practice to your own body's needs
•Simple practices to integrate yoga into everyday life
•And more!
If there is a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect with me on Instagram @tamsin__writes.
Links & Resources
Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines: https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide
Jyoti Chadda is a Yoga Teacher and the Founder of My Wellness Company. She is passionate about helping people create balance and flow in their everyday lives using ancient yogic philosophies.
You can find Jyoti on Instagram @mywellnesscompany or via her websitewww.mywellnesscompany.co.uk
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines!
Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
Mar 2, 2021
42 min

Millennials are the most likely generation to switch jobs, with 6 in 10 millennials saying they are open to new job opportunities. But what if you want more than to change jobs - what if you want to change your whole career?
In this episode I'm joined by Career and Mindset Coach, Alessia Gandolfo to explore career change and finding a career you truly love.
In this conversation, we dive into:
•Alessia's personal career change journey
•Using your intuition to navigate career transition
•Why we might be asking the wrong questions when trying to choose a career
•What to do if you don't know what you want to do
•Why focusing on what job you desire might be getting in the way of uncovering your passions
•The relationship between career and purpose
•And whether it's ever too late (or too early) to change careers
If there is a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect with me on Instagram @tamsin__writes or email [email protected]
Links & Resources
Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines: https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide
Alessia Gandolfo is a Career and Mindset Coach for sensitive and ambitious millennial women who want a job they truly love.
You can find Alessia on Instagram @alessiagandolfocoaching or via her website alessiagandolfo.com
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines!
Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
Feb 15, 2021
54 min

For many of us the holidays are an opportunity to slow down and step away from our busy schedules for a few weeks. But what if living more slowly became a way of life?
In the final episode of Season 1, I'm joined by slow living advocate and tea ceremony host, Lera.
We chat about:
•What slow living is
•The challenges of living slowly in a fast-paced world
•Cultivating "micro moments" of pleasure and presence when you're busy
•Mindful morning and evening rituals
•The mundane as sacred
•Chadao (tea ceremony)
•Why embracing our humanness is a key to living a more peaceful life
•And, Lera's personal journey with slow living and the way of tea
This podcast is for you, so if there is a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect with me on Instagram @tamsin__writes or email [email protected]
Links & Resources
Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines: https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide
Lera's mission in this world is to transmit peace, presence, love and harmony to others through tea. She runs tea ceremonies, women's circles and healing sessions in London and online.
You can find Lera on Instagram @withtlovers or via her website https://t-lovers.com/
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines!
Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
Dec 28, 2020
41 min

In this episode I'm joined by Writer and Ecopsychologist, Stephanie Lisa Kelly. Steph's fierce intellect, embodied knowing, and lived experience offer a fascinating deep-dive into earth based wisdom and spiritual practice.
In this enlightening conversation, we dive into:
•Ecopsychology and nature-based awakening
•Reconciling the rational and the spiritual
•Patriarchal separation from the earth
•Steph's personal journey from atheist to 'devotion junkie'
•How to connect with nature when you live in a city
•The holy and the erotic
•Presence vs availability
•And much more!
If you're looking for a fresh perspective on religion and spirituality this interview will provide you with some incredible insights you may not have considered before. Enjoy!
This podcast is for you, so if there is a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect with me on Instagram @tamsin__writes or email [email protected]
Links & Resources
Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines: https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide
Stephanie Lisa Kelly is a Writer and Ecopsychologist devoted to revitalising our connection to the sacred and facilitating nature-based awakening.
You can find Steph on Instagram @radiantdevotion or via her website https://stephanielisakelly.com/
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines!
Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
Dec 21, 2020
53 min

Many of us don't know how powerful our period really is.
In this episode I'm joined by Menstruality Coach, Natalie K. Martin to explore the hidden power of your menstrual cycle.
We chat about:
•Menstrual cycle awareness
•The four phases or "seasons" of your cycle
•Tapping into the power of your cycle
•Why it's important to understand your cycle
•Nat's and my personal journeys with cycle awareness
•And how to get started if you're new to menstruality and menstrual cycle awareness
This podcast is for you so if there is a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect with me on Instagram @tamsin__writes or email [email protected]
Links & Resources
Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines: https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide
Natalie K. Martin is a menstrual cycle & empowerment coach, author and yoga teacher. Nat's thing is the empowerment of women through embodiment, menstrual cycle awareness and mindset. Discover the 4 gifts of your cycle - get your guide here https://www.nataliekmartin.com/menstrualgifts
Connect with Nat on Instagram @natalie.kmartin or her website https://www.nataliekmartin.com/.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines!
Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
Dec 14, 2020
40 min

You want to create a life more aligned with who you truly are. But instead of everything falling neatly into place (like it seems to on Instagram, right?), instead you're feeling overwhelmed and uncertain, unclear about what you want or how to get it, alienated from your "old life", questioning your identity, unsure what your purpose is, and may be even wondering whether you should even have tried to change things in the first place.
In this episode I'm joined by Yoga Teacher, Coach and Consultant, Meg Berryman to dive deeper into the reality of change and transition and why it's not the linear process we're often led to believe.
In this heartfelt chat, we explore:
•Honouring your discontent as a catalyst for change
•Reframing uncertainty
•Navigating the "messy middle" of transition and change
•Meg's personal journey from burnout to regenerative living
•Orienting to purpose
•Finding belonging when you don't fit in
•Reconnecting with yourself and the earth
•And how to live in tune with you who you innately are and your unique way of being in the world
This podcast is for you so if there is a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect on Instagram @tamsin__writes or email me [email protected]
Links and Resources
Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines: https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide
Meg Berryman is an educator, coach, yoga and mindfulness teacher seeking and teaching regenerative ways to live, lead, learn and do business. You can find her on Instagram at @megjberryman or at www.megberryman.com. Meg's signature program Regenerative Life starts January 2021, details at www.megberryman.com
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines!
Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
Dec 7, 2020
38 min

How do we seize the opportunity of 2020's global and individual shake-up to create a better world?
In this episode, I chat with Andréa Ranae about:
•Changing your own life and the world (hint: they're connected)
•The surprising link between knowing what your body desires and creating a global vision for change
•Why our approach to systems reform needs an overhaul
•Moving beyond opposition
•The vital connection between creativity and social change
•Radical responsibility
•What to do when you're feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world
•And more!
Andréa is the Founder and Director of Whole / Self Liberation, a platform and organization dedicated to creating resources and programming to support people as they heal, grow, get free and lead.
If you're looking for a fresh perspective on personal and collective change this interview will provide you with some incredible insights you may not have considered before. Enjoy!
If there's a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect on instagram @tamsin__writes or email [email protected]
Links & Resources
Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines here https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide
You can connect with Andréa on instagram @andrearanaej or at https://wholeselfliberation.com/.
Whole / Self Liberation is open for enrolment now! Find out more at https://wholeselfliberation.com/ Enrolment closes December 14 2020.
Andréa's YouTube video on how to process fear and overwhelm about the state of the world is available at https://youtu.be/IUJbMubRlC8
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines!
Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
Nov 28, 2020
52 min

Many of us believe that monogamy is the default arrangement in committed relationships. But what if that wasn't the case?
In this episode I'm joined by Sensuality Coach and Sex Educator, Eleanor Hadley to explore all things non-monogamy.
In this candid conversation, we dive into:
•What non-monogamy is, and isn't
•Eleanor's personal journey with non-monogamy
•The surprising history of monogamy and why it might not be as 'normal' as we think
•Navigating jealousy and comparison
•The importance of communication and boundaries
•Reframing stigma and misunderstanding
•And how to support yourself if you're non-monogamous or curious to try it
If there is a topic you would love me to feature in a future episode, let me know! Connect with me on Instagram @tamsin__writes or email [email protected]
Links & Resources
Get your FREE GUIDE to living a life outside the lines: https://mailchi.mp/39800ce8a0ef/guide
Eleanor Hadley is a Sensuality Coach, Sex Educator & Host of The Sensuality Academy Podcast. She's on a mission to help you embody your femininity, enhance your sex-life and elevate your relationships.
You can find Eleanor on Instagram @eleanorhadley or via her website www.eleanorhadley.com
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Life Outside the Lines!
Life Outside the Lines is edited and produced with thanks to Music Producer/Mixer, Matthew Hadley. You can find his work at www.matthewhadley.net
Nov 27, 2020
38 min