Life, Oh Life, with Becky Barnes
Life, Oh Life, with Becky Barnes
Becky Barnes
003 Life, Oh Life: Dr Radha Modgil – Self-Care, How To Cope With Lockdown Lifting And... Life Advice
40 minutes Posted May 26, 2021 at 4:27 am.
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Show notes

The third episode of Life, Oh Life, a new podcast about life advice, with former HuffPost UK and Press Association journalist Becky Barnes. This week’s guest is NHS GP, TV doctor, author, speaker and wellbeing campaigner Dr Radha Modgil. Radha is a self-care queen, whose advice and guidance through her appearances, writing and generous social media offerings have provided so much hope for people, especially through a global pandemic.

In this episode we talk about Radha's five Cs: control, care, continuity, creativity and compassion. We talk about the exhaustion of coming out of lockdown, self-compassion and kindness, what we've learnt about ourselves in the past year, resilience and hope.

Radha also guides us through how to see the joy in small moments, taking small steps to make change and how to be our own best friend. I hope you find it as calming as I did.

Life, Oh Life is a podcast about life advice, so Radha shares with us the best advice she’s been given, the advice she’d give her former self and the advice she wants to pass on to others.

I'd love to hear your constructive feedback about the episode and please do share, rate and review (and subscribe where you can).




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