Listen as Pastor Janis Russo shares part five in the message Girls with Grit.
Feb 22, 2020
34 min

Listen as Angela Shiver shares part four in the message Girls with Grit. In the message we take a look at Tamar. Listen along as Angela tells the story of Tamar and helps paint the picture of how we can be like Tamar.
Feb 13, 2020
13 min

Listen as Pastor Janis Russo shares part three in the message Girls with Grit. In the message we take a look at a Gentile woman who does the outrageous. She approaches Jesus and asks for healing over her daughter. At first when she asks Jesus did not heal her daughter, but this woman had grit and faith which caught the attention of God.
Feb 1, 2020
29 min

Listen as Pastor Janis Russo shares the second part to the message of Girls with Grit. This week we take a look at Hannah and how she is a biblical example of grit. Hannah endured something that she knew she couldn't control, which gives an example of grit.
Feb 1, 2020
35 min

Listen as Pastor Janis Russo shares this weeks Sisterhood message titled Girls with Grit. In the message Pastor Janis explains that girt means to have courage and resolve; strength of character. Pastor Janis explains that hardship is a very practical tool when it comes to God using you for his glory. It's during those hardship times is when we are being refined, it helps us figure out there we are strong and where we are weak.
Jan 18, 2020
31 min
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