These are just my thoughts on A question that was asked about Non-Polynesians
acquiring Polynesian Tattoos. What do yall think?
Aug 10, 2020
11 min

If you've lost a loved one recently. Just know you are not alone.
They say only time will heal.
Jul 31, 2020
14 min

This brief episode I wanted to share what I’ve encountered. Reading an article about the BTK Killer. And letting y’all know my fav podcast.
Jul 29, 2020
11 min

I speak on how my life was like while in Quarantine. Struggling trying to find the right Company.
And trying to stay sane while in Quarantine.
Jul 23, 2020
17 min

Expressed my thoughts on a question someone had posted. Sharing past experiences! Know your worth!
Jul 21, 2020
17 min

This is just a brief frail episode. Of me sharing experiences of crazy situations I’ve encountered. What it’s like being Polynesian.
Jul 21, 2020
10 min