Letter 2 My Sister Podcast

Letter 2 My Sister

LaDora J. Fields
Hey! I’m LaDora J. Fields, A Letter 2 My Sister is advice about things such as Motivation, Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle, Life’s lessons, Credit , Real Estate, and most importantly learning to accept you for you! Here you will find me talking about all of these topics and giving my own life experience! I will have special guest throughout the podcast. We women get so worked up about being picture perfect, rather than enjoying life, and learning!So from my experience I’m just trying to give you a hand to getting out your shell! Be you, email @: [email protected]
Who is Michelle aka Amazing.Face Celebrity MUA, Brand Ambassador, YouTuber
Today we have Michelle aka Amazing. Face ! She is a Celebrity MUA , Brand Ambassador , a mom , wife , sister, daughter and friend! She gives us a look on how she became who she is as well as what inspired her to get into makeup! And what’s its like for her as she continue to grow. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/Ladorajfields/message
Aug 8, 2019
46 min
Let’s Catch up!
Hey Luvs, I’m back . I’ve been gone and I’m sorry lol. But let’s go over the things we are supposed to be doing ! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/Ladorajfields/message
Aug 8, 2019
14 min
Crystal Jackson a.k.a. Miss perfectly flawless owner a perfectly flawless boutique
Miss Crystal gives us a little bit more insight on what it’s like to have a successful clothing boutique as well as just some guidelines on what we should be prepared for as far is having our mindset ready and our credit --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/Ladorajfields/message
Jul 31, 2019
40 min
Monday motivation , 10 steps to protect your vibes!
Happy Monday! Sometimes we need to protect our vibes , and on Monday’s we drag at times (lol) so this episode is quotes to help you get throughout the day! But also I hope to give you a different look on life for the day❤️ --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/Ladorajfields/message
Jul 29, 2019
18 min
Part 2 of Rich Chick! Let’s talk credit!
Hey! So after a few emails and texts , we talking credit today. This episode talks briefly about what is credit, and how your score is determined. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/Ladorajfields/message
Jul 26, 2019
26 min
So you a Rich Chick?!
Sis, I heard you say “ You’re Rich Chick!” Let’s talk about that spending habit we have. Learn how to budget and save 15% of every paycheck, and live off of 15% of that paycheck as well. Today We are addressing our habits. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/Ladorajfields/message
Jul 25, 2019
27 min
Do what’s best for you!
When you believe in yourself, you’re unstoppable! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/Ladorajfields/message
Jul 19, 2019
13 min
Welcome to " A Letter 2 My Sister" Introduction
Hey Loves! Welcome to " A Letter 2 My Sister" ! I'm Miracle Johnson , Here you can find a place to relax and be Able to be open! Im going to Be here every Monday , Wednesday , and Friday . We gonna talk about life, Credit , business , being a Bawse, Health, Real estate, EVERYTHING! My goal is to help you learn from my mistakes but also get you to that point where you're ready to change your life, and be comfortable in your own skin. Throughout the podcast I'll have special guest for you also. Feel free to email ( [email protected].  ) me any topic you want me to talk about~ Kisses ~~~Miracle Johnson  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/Ladorajfields/message
Jul 17, 2019
4 min