I'm super excited to have a candid conversation with a long time friend of mine, Sami Beigi. Our friendship dates back to more than 15 years ago and since then, he has become one of the most recognizable Persian pop stars in the world.
With an endless list of hit songs including HMG, Ey Joonam and Fada Sham, he is no doubt, one of the most talented singers, songwriters and musicians of our generation. I look forward to chatting with him about his climb to the top, including the days of him being a bouncer at a popular club in DC, to becoming the front man of the iconic Black Cats and eventually his solo career filled with sold out shows around the world with millions of die hard fans.
Follow us on IG: @samibeigis @imanhuschmand
Welcome to the conversation.
Welcome to AWESOME people.
- Iman Huschmand
#faith #imanhuschmand #samibeigi
Jan 29, 2021
1 hr 13 min

In this episode of AWESOME People, my guest is Shally Zomorodi the Anchor on Fox 5 San Diego and social media darling.
Shally is a popular news anchor, incredible mother, and vibrant spirit who embodies love. She is known for bringing Persian music to the forefront of American television with her lively dances. Through her social media she cooks, dances, and brings people together. Specifically she has even officiated her fans weddings.
In this episode we discuss Shally’s love for weddings and own experience with her husband Bruce. As well as the growth in their relationship with each other and together as parents. Including the use of a marriage counselor and other ways they’ve maintained a healthy life with each other. Finally we end with a rapid fire of questions to learn about Shally’s taste in Persian music, her advice for her community, and how she stays so positive.
I encourage you to take a look at the content she shares and the messages on life she provides. Special thanks to Shally for taking the time out of her busy schedule to meet with us and to her husband Bruce for his guest appearance. For more of Shally Zomorodi check out the links below!
Be sure to follow us on IG: @shallyzomorodi @imanhuschmand
Welcome to the conversation.
Welcome to AWESOME people.
- Iman Huschmand
Jan 21, 2021
46 min

We already know it's been a crazy 2020 so are we really surprised that this New Year's Eve is going to be different too? But have no fear because my Exclusively Entertainment family has something special in store for you so that you can ring in the new year with amazing vibes and global tunes as we present "The Drop In", a FREE livestream that you can set a reminder for below:
In this episode of AWESOME People, we are having the stars of "The Drop In" as my guests which will include DJ Pierre, DJ Saam and Raymond who is going to be rockin' it on the Saxophone. We'll be sharing details about the show, as well as talk about their love of music, reflecting on the past year and we're going to make a BIG announcement for 2021! Be sure to set a reminder on this video.
Welcome to the conversation.
Welcome to AWESOME people.
- Iman Huschmand
PS: Never lose faith.
Dec 27, 2020
1 hr 35 min

In this episode of AWESOME People, Iman's guest will be Kelia Speight and Jeremy MacLively who is the Manager at the Custom Ink store in Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
In mid-November of this year, Kelia entered Jeremy's store requesting to have shirts made to help raise funds for her 4 year old son Kristopher. At that point, Kristopher had been battling a rare form of Brain Cancer since May, known as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG). The story touched Jeremy tremendously, who himself has two young children and so he took it upon himself to help Kristopher and his family as best as he could. Sadly, on November 25th Kristopher passed on, however his legacy carries on. This episode is the story of Kristopher, the efforts of Jeremy, bringing awareness about DIPG as well as to spread the word about the two fundraisers that are currently in place to honor Spiderman-loving Kristopher and assist their family during this incredibly challenging period in their lives.
We encourage you to take a look at the two fundraising links below and if you can donate, wonderful. If not, perhaps consider sharing with your friends and family in the hopes that they can do the same:
Welcome to the conversation.
Welcome to AWESOME people.
Text the word "AWESOME" to 202.918.3376 to join the community and be notified about new episodes and updates!
#awesomepeople #podcast #thanksgiving #thanksgivingepisode #restart #gratitude #grateful #givethanks
Dec 11, 2020
55 min

Episode 15 of AWESOME People marks the re-start of a podcast that Iman Huschmand started during Quarantine. After a self-imposed hiatus, he's back with not just a great line up of guests but with a lot on his mind. Just in time for the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, this Wednesday, November 25th, Iman will be thanking his community and will explain his purpose behind the podcast and how together, we can create a better, stronger and healthier environment to live and work in.
AWESOME People Intro [4:55]
Why AWESOME People left and how it came back [5:35]
We all have what it takes [7:48]
What is Unite and Conquer? [10:00]
The importance of gratitude [15:31]
Messages from past guests [18:26]
Calling DJ Bliss [23:00] Being thankful during COVID [25:58]
Calling Bita Milanian [31:41]
Bita’s Kitchen [34:46]
Supporting artists and small businesses [37:05]
EE’s Free Chill the F*ck Out Wedding Planning Checklist [39:10]
The Community Number [42:34]
Calling Neema Naz [45:44]
Canadian Thanksgiving [47:22]
The importance of journaling [49:23]
Neema’s plans for the future [53:04]
Night Owls Teaser [56:37]
Calling Armi [58:35]
The Monday Noosh Podcast [59:40]
Appreciating Iranian culture [1:03:38]
Night Owls Highlight [1:08:10]
AWESOME People wants partners, not sponsors [1:12:58]
The Hushmand episode [1:17:18]
Appreciating your family [1:19:43]
Acknowledging what COVID has taken and given [1:21:35]
Success is up to you [1:22:55]
Iman’s thank you’s [1:24:34]
Keeping it real [1:27:13]
Responding to the chat [1:30:44]
Brandon’s cameo [1:31:41]
What is Drop In? [1:33:05]
FEAR Live Highlight [1:35:34]
What Brandon’s grateful for [1:37:03]
Brandon’s weight loss journey [1:39:14]
Information about the Huschmand episode [1:44:16]
How you can interact with the show [1:45:45]
Credits [1:47:58]
QUOTES: “My goal in life is to convert as many nine-to-fivers into people who are going to pursue their passion, pursue their interests, and never ever work for anybody else again. That they can actually wake up every single morning and do exactly what it is that they were born to do, that they were destined to do, and so that they can make an impact in the lives of other people.” [12:32]
“Gratitude is the ability to count your blessings and focus on what you do have instead of what you don’t have.” [16:05]
“You always gotta play your cards with the time and never look back, because when you look back that holds you back and prevents you from growing.” [27:21]
“You can’t reach success or greatness or happiness unless you actually work at it. It’s not something that just falls into your lap. Unless you’re a superhuman.” [50:32]
“You have the ability to heal, and it starts with you wanting to heal.” [1:20:52]
“There is light at the end of that tunnel, and it starts with you starting to not feel sorry for yourself.” [1:28:17]
“In anything where you’re making a change in your life, the first best step is to identify what you’re doing wrong, what it is that you want to change, really getting down to the root of it… and then you have to want to make that change.” [1:40:14]
Welcome to the conversation.
Welcome to AWESOME people.
Text Iman at 202.918.3376 to join the community and be notified about new episodes and updates!
Nov 26, 2020
1 hr 44 min

In this episode of AWESOME People, Iman has a virtual chat with his long time friend Azin Mahoozi Shalan, the founder of Born2Dance studio. Recently, Azin publicly shared on her Facebook for the first time, the details and personal tragedy that she and her husband Rami experienced with the loss of their newborn son Morad. The talented dancers, entrepreneur and now mother to three children, candidly shares this heart wrenching story in an effort to raise awareness not just about depression, but specifically the challenges both mothers and their spouses experience when faced with these unexpected situations. In March, Azin and Rami were slated to open up a brand new 10,000 square foot studio for Born2Dance when COVID-19 hit, so she also discusses and shares their challenges from the perspective of small business owners combatting the pandemic.
Introduction of Azin Mahoozi [7:23]
Growing up in Iran and America and pursuing a passion for dance to opening a Born to Dance studio [9:15]
Inventing and patenting original dance routine and reverse engineering a dance routine for students [25:28]
Azin opens up about the mid-pregnancy death of her son to subchorionic hematoma [36:33]
Azin talks about upcoming plans and motivations for Born to Dance and Wish City and family life [54:13]
Keeping the Born to Dance team connected and active during the Corona Virus Lockdown [1:02:37]
Help those who are lessee fortunate [1:05:21]
“There is no way you can do anything to remind a mom of her lost child. They want to remember it. Just like you have a child, you celebrate their birthday every year. So as a mom that was expecting that, it’s all the hopes, the dreams, that are, you know, something shattered.” [39:55]
“Reach out, not towards people who haven’t gone through it, towards people who have actually gone through it… As much as people have great intentions and they’re there for you, they just don’t know, and to me, one of the biggest things is that, I didn’t know. I have never gone through depression, so I didn’t know how I was going to act. You don’t know what kind of person you’re going to be when you have a personal loss.” [50:37]
“Follow your passion, be true to yourself, be true to your heart… lend a helping hand to the ones who are less fortunate.” [1:05:22]
Oct 14, 2020
1 hr 10 min

On this episode of "AWESOME People", Iman has a virtual sit down with Neema Nazeri, better known as Neema Naz. Neema is an Iranian-Canadian comedian born and raised in Toronto. Growing up in such a diverse city, he is known for touching on many different cultures and backgrounds including his own, growing up in a Persian household. Neema’s likeable personality on and off stage will draw you in and instantly make you want to see more. His unique observations and stories about his family are both relatable and funny with a hint of nostalgia. In this episode, the guys talked about his super raw video that he posted on social media explaining why he took a month off from social media after posting every day for months. It was a deep convo about mental health and Neema provided details of what let him to hit a wall, the effect his popularity growth had on him and what he's done since his hiatus to live a happier life. We also discussed how he was a kid growing up and recollects his first "stand up performance" at the age of 8. We capped it off with a game of rapid fire and final words from Neema.
Neema’s break and eventual return to social media [3:20]
Neema talks about being Iranian [9:24]
Neema talks about why he took his break [11:27]
What it’s like to step back from social media [18:42]
Neema’s recommendation for people on social media [21:00]
People’s reactions to Neema’s social media break [23:29]
Neema’s first comedic moment [26:10] Persian dads during quarantine [29:18]
Parents reactions to Neema being a comedian [33:45]
Neema’s role models [37:30] Neema’s favorite type of comedy [44:27]
Why it’s important to make people laugh [45:29]
Persian uber [47:33] Rapid fire questions [50:14]
Neema’s content schedule [55:23]
Neema’s health message [59:26]
“I was running on no engine, just trying to go fast with no gas in the tank, and it was not going to be sustainable long term.” [12:24]
“The whole point is that you’re comfortable with what you’re posting and when you want to post it. You have to be happy with what you’re doing.” [15:35]
“Having a plan, having a schedule for your days going forward. And more than anything before that is having your personal life put together first before you worry about your career.” [21:35]
“The biggest problem people have is striving for perfection, we have to strive for excellence.” [1:03:09]
Follow Iman and Neema on IG: @imanhuschmand @neemanaz
Oct 14, 2020
1 hr 7 min

In this episode of "AWESOME People" Iman Huschmand had a virtual hangout with the talented and hilarious comedian, actor and writer Amir Kamyab, better known as Amir K. Known for his appearances on MADtv, Argo and comedy stores around the country and abroad, Amir continues to expand his diverse portfolio. Amir and Iman discuss a wide range of topics from his upbringing as an Iranian-American from Tehran to Los Angeles, his journey to becoming a comedian, his favorite comedian and the impact that Social Media has on him and millions of others, especially the youth.
Introduction of Amir K. [2:20]
Amir’s new podcast “Salty Locks” and using it to supplement live performance during quarantine [5:12]
Comedians and venues adapting to life in a lockdown [8:25]
Amir’s early life and background [10:22]
Finding your voice in comedy and being a loose-canon comedian in an unforgiving community [11:45]
Family reaction and acceptance of going into comedy instead of other career routes [15:45]
What Amir would do differently if he could go back in time knowing what he knows now about comedy and entertainment & how to handle hecklers [19:50]
What comedian would you pay to see front row, alive or not? [22:45]
Amir’s break into sketch comedy on MADtv and the opportunities it brought [24:14]
The Iranian community vs Amir’s comedy [29:30]
Rapid Fire Questions [37:10]
Comedians sense of camaraderie and how the support each other as a family [41:00] Career bucket list and current aspirations [47:35]
Closing Remarks: Just Do It [57:07]
“I definitely think you are who you are, your personality is who you are. So, I probably would just be the funny guy over there (Iran).” [11:20]
“The whole thing with stand up is trying to get to that voice that is really you, so when you go on stage they’re seeing exactly how you are.” [12:20]
“I had that mentality for years, where I was like ‘Oh I’ve got to make my parents proud, they brought me here’ so let me do what they wanted which was to go to school, go to law school, do all that; I was planning that route. And as I got older, I’m like ‘F*ck’ you’ve only get one life, you only get one shot at this whole thing, and are you going to live it for somebody else? Or are you going to live it for yourself?” [16:25]
“That’s where our culture I think sometimes is lacking, that thing of like hey man do what makes you happy instead of doing what makes people look at you and think your status is high” [19:20]
“No-one’s going to make you do this sh*t. So, if you’re watching this and you want to get into stand-up, just get up and do it, and if you’re supposed to be ding this, you’ll do it.”[57:50]
FOLLOW AMIR AND IMAN ON IG: @amircomedy @imanhuschmand
Oct 14, 2020
59 min

On this episode of "AWESOME People" Iman Huschmand has a virtual sit down with Haleh Gianni. Haleh is the the founder of 505 Living, LLC, and a certified Life and Relationship Coach. With over a decade in practice, she has helped her clients understand their natural behavior, perception, tolerance, and communication styles so that they can live a more authentic life. In this episode, Haleh talks about fear and anxiety during quarantine, making the best of these precarious times, using self awareness to mend troublesome relationships during lockdown, mamba mentality and on a personal note, following her dreams. Her unique approach to coaching and personal development has made lasting positive changes in people's lives as she believes that human nature is distinct in each person, and that understanding these unique attributes can lead to fulfilling decisions, stronger relationships, and meaningful accomplishments in life. Haleh has a very diverse personal and professional background. Her childhood consist of living in Iran, Turkey, and the U.S. She was born in Iran and officially settled in Los Angeles with her family, where she finished grade school. She later moved to Atlanta, GA to attend GSU and now resides in San Diego, CA. She is a master trainer in an advanced human assessment instrument through The Y.O.U. Institute, where she is currently an active Board Member, serving as the Vice President of Global Outreach. Today, she helps people to gain self-mastery that naturally enhances every area of their lives. She also works with professional organizations such as CNN, Several Large Financial Firms, Law Firms, and Mid-size businesses to create better leadership teams and synergistic performance.
Appreciating the moon [4:33]
Dealing with coronavirus as a businesswoman [5:35]
What it’s like being a life coach during a pandemic [7:25]
What a life coach is [8:46]
Family in quarantine [9:58]
Why Haleh became a life coach [11:50]
What it’s like to change careers [15:40]
How coronavirus is affecting people’s mental health [19:34]
How to stay physically and mentally healthy during a pandemic [29:00]
Kobe Bryant as an inspiration [35:01]
Positive vs. negative thinking [38:06]
How to be successful during coronavirus [43:28]
What to take away from this situation [50:20]
Dance party [53:26]
Haleh’s personal message [56:57]
“That’s how you know that you have that self awareness, in that you can check in with yourself.” [7:57]
“The quality of our relationships do dictate the quality of the life that we live.” [9:49]
“I needed the person that I am for someone else, back then, and I couldn’t find that person. So I committed myself to being that.” [18:08]
“But now they’re realizing that the psychological and emotional impact that this is having on people is starting to surface.” [20:58]
“Just look at your own personal present moment and the impact and what has been. Not what could become, but what has been and what is.” [45:00]
"Tap into what the opportunities present themselves, but make sure that whatever you gain, your goals or things you want to attain, are actually meaningful to you. They have to be personal. They can’t just be to satisfy somebody else.” [48:34]
Follow Iman and Haleh on IG:
Iman: @imanhuschmand
Haleh: @505living_
Oct 14, 2020
1 hr 1 min

In this episode of AWESOME People, Iman Huschmand had the opportunity to catch up his long time friend, and talented fashion designer, Sareh Nouri. The Virginia native has spent the majority of the past decade creating some of the most beautiful bridal gowns and sashes, and growing her fashion house Sareh Nouri New York. Her brand is now in the most iconic stores around the world and in this episode, she reflects not only on her upbringing, family and career journey, but what her and her team have done during the Corona Virus period to help health professionals in New York and New Jersey.
Introduction of Sareh Nouri [2:10]
Being a parent of two during a stay-at-home situation [6:03]
Early life and the story of Sareh’s love affair with design and bridal gowns/weddings [7:00]
Keeping up with the times and continuing to create fresh unique wedding gown designs [12:35]
Taking a leap of faith and creating goals [14:00]
How the Pandemic has affected the bridal gown industry and the wedding industry as a whole [16:15]
Advice to her past self and challenges for up and coming designers [26:40]
Sareh’s favorite department stores that picked up her design lines (ah-ha moments) [32:00]
Ensuring your brand is represented the right way and the importance of staying involved in the process [36:10]
Juggling life at home with life as an entrepreneur while staying mentally and physically healthy [38:45]
Closing remarks and what it takes to be a business owner [43:45]
“I think what helped me [get designs picked up by stores] better than any school, was to work with the brides one on one.” [11:43]
“I’m the brides designer. I do create unique pieces, but they’re not too out of the box; they’re for the bride.” [13:33]
“From the very beginning I said to my husband ‘If I do this, I’m going to do this all the way, I’m not going to make this a hobby’ Either I do it, or I don’t do it […] from the beginning I set myself up with goals.” [14:23]
“In the beginning, I did everything by myself. You have to take baby steps. You can’t just go in and get a loan or spend all of your personal money. You have to do baby steps, and you have to do it yourself.” [27:36]
“The most challenging thing is finding the right talent. Finding the right talent is extremely important. Meaning, good dress makers, good cutters, good pattern makers, good managers, good sales people […]” [30:55]
“What I’m really proud of, is that I was able to keep manufacturing here in the United States., and I planned doing that. Made in the USA, that is so important for me. I have to have an eye on my production, I have to be able to have control over my production, and I want to offer jobs here […]” [38:00]
“I’m a very resilient person. I think that’s the personality you have to have if you want to have a business. You have to have thick skin and you can’t take anything personally […] you have to ask questions, and you have to ask for help.” [44:22]
FOLLOW IMAN AND SAREH ON IG: @imanhuschmand @sarehnouri
Oct 14, 2020
48 min
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