As “Donnie Two-Scoops” awaits his second Senate impeachment trial, the House is taking stock of their conspiracy theorists and preparing to take it in the shorts. Meanwhile, Reddit investors' cries of “Hold the line!” are making 'em sound like a drunk shouting out requests at a Toto concert. Cognitive Dissidents David “Rosie” Rosenberg, Cat Alvarado, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson attempt to make some sense of it all in your weekly dose of newsy infotainment!
Jan 31, 2021
1 hr 11 min

With a new President in the White House, and an old con artist back on the golf course where his lies can’t *really* hurt anyone, you’d think we could kick back and do an hour of cooking tips & car chase video narrations. Unfortunately, that’s not in the cards for this week, but we *are* fortunate enough to have Cognitive Dissidents Shaun Eli, Liz Stewart, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson here to provide your weekly dose of newsy infotainment! GET DOSED!
Jan 24, 2021
1 hr 10 min

As the nation deals with the fallout from last week’s attempted coup, we nervously look ahead to next week’s attempted coup and whether it will affect the inauguration of Biden & Harris. Cognitive Dissidents Jessica Abrams, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson talk ties - of both the family and zip varieties, the possible career path of failed artists, and so much more as we deliver your weekly dose of newsy infotainment in convenient podcast form! Tune in, turn Left, GET
Jan 17, 2021
1 hr 12 min

We already knew it was going to be a crazy week with the Georgia runoffs and the certification of the electoral vote, but then there was that phone call... and THEN there was that act of domestic terrorism led by aspiring Generalissimo, and eventual Twitter exile, Don “The Con” Drumpf. Cognitive Dissidents Katie Massa Kennedy, Erika Schickel, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson break it down (and debut a new song!) in this - your weekly dose of newsy infotainment!
Jan 10, 2021
1 hr 10 min

Though the calendar says it’s a new year, our stubby national nightmare still has a few weeks to go and it looks like the members of Cult 45 are making a ridiculous effort to extend his tenure for another four years. Will the center hold? Is America doomed to repeat its mistakes because it failed history? Is “WW84” actually any good? Cognitive Dissidents Cat Alvarado, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson have some answers with your weekly dose of newsy infotainment! GET
Jan 3, 2021
1 hr 29 min

I’ve never seen so many people so eager to throw a dumpster fire on the trash heap, but 2020 is kinda like Carl Showalter in a wood chipper... it’s definitely done for, but still not completely through. And while Trump searches for his dignity on the golf course, like O.J. looking for “the real killers,” Cognitive Dissidents Liz Stewart, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson are bringing you your last weekly dose of newsy infotainment for 2020! Stay safe, mask up, and G
Dec 27, 2020
1 hr 12 min

Like the old saying goes, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Or 40% of the shots the White House cuts from your state’s vaccine allocation in an effort to... I dunno, boost herd immunity by killing off the herd? At Treasonable Studios, we may not have the vaccine, but we *do* have Cognitive Dissidents Katie Massa Kennedy, Erika Schickel, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson serving up your weekly dose of newsy infotainment!
Dec 20, 2020
1 hr 4 min

We’re not sure how many times Trump is gonna lose the election but, so far, we have yet to become so "sick and tired of all the winning." Yes, the prognosis is good, but there’s still a cancer on the presidency that could kill us before January 20th. For the meantime, though, Cognitive Dissidents Cat Alvarado, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson are here to make sense of it all… or, at the very least, to make jokes about it in your weekly dose of newsy infotainment! GET
Dec 13, 2020
1 hr 9 min

As Inauguration Day approaches, signifying that America will soon be under (mostly) sane management again, Trump’s ramping up the crazy - lying about voter fraud, bringing back firing squads, ignoring COVID-19…Basically, just Trump being Trump. Speaking for the opposition, we’ve got Cognitive Dissidents Liz Stewart, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson with your weekly dose of newsy infotainment. Give thanks and, as always, GET DOSED!
Nov 29, 2020
1 hr 18 min

As we count the minutes until sanity returns to the White House, the current occupants are refusing to give the Biden Administration details on what they’ve been doing to combat COVID-19 because you just can’t give someone something you don’t have. Fortunately for you, Cognitive Dissidents Katie Massa Kennedy, David Rosie Rosenberg, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson have your weekly dose of newsy infotainment, and we’re giving it away like it’s going out of style!
Nov 22, 2020
1 hr 14 min
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