NOTE: This was recorded BEFORE the official SCOTUS nomination and the First Presidential Debate.
Maddie Bushell talks with Edward Lukowsky, a previous guest from the first episode about Amy Coney-Barrett, the Supreme Court, and their predictions for the Presidential/Vice Presidential Debates.
Sep 30, 2020
45 min

Maddie Bushell talks with Michael Vainshtein, Minol Sugathadasa, Kyle Desser, and Jaeden Branom of the "Narwhals Wit Attitude" podcast about life and politics. Listen to them discuss climate change, Biden and Trump, and more.
Sep 12, 2020
51 min

This week, Maddie Bushell talks with junior Logan Boomer about the Postal Service, Jacob Blake, Kyle Rittenhouse, and Kamala Harris. Get an insight on the most popular political headlines from the past few weeks from teens.
Sep 4, 2020
43 min

This week host Maddie Bushell talks with fellow incoming junior Amanda Yu on Trump's Jonathan Swan interview, delaying the election, the "Cancel Hamilton" trend, and more.
Aug 13, 2020
43 min

Host Maddie Bushell talks with recent high school graduate Rachel Pistol about socialism, Biden, the Uighur discrimination in China, and more.
Aug 6, 2020
43 min

Host Maddie Bushell discusses cancel culture, Portland, the Electoral College, and more with incoming college freshman, Delia Yadegar. What do two leftists think of what's going on in the world?
Jul 29, 2020
44 min

High school junior and host Maddie Bushell interviews fellow classmates Edward Lukowsky and Ryan Kung on some of 2020s biggest topics. Should teens go back to school in the fall? What do teens think of the BLM protests? All of that and more.
Jul 22, 2020
44 min