LearnDoBecome Radio
LearnDoBecome Radio
April and Eric Perry
Achieving Serenity--How to Unclog Your Mental Vacuum [Episode 102]
29 minutes Posted Aug 5, 2020 at 9:00 am.
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Do you ever feel like there is SO much in your brain that you can't even take on one more thing? We get it. Feeling calm, peaceful, and serene often feels like an impossible task, but when you learn specific skills that help you "unclog," your life will change forever. Come listen in, and we'll show you how! Details at: https://LearnDoBecome.com/Episode102

Have you attended our free training, "How to Finally Stop Drowning in Piles"? We'll show you four simple steps to get out of any pile and create a life of peace and order! https://LearnDoBecome.com/STEP   And make sure to subscribe to all our podcasts. More details can be found at https://LearnDoBecome.com/Radio