Learn 15 Minute Spanish for your Job Podcast Podcast

Learn 15 Minute Spanish for your Job Podcast

Miguel Lira
Learn Spanish as you understand spoken Spanish and improve your language skills! This is a series of practice materials for beginners who want to understand conversational Spanish and improve their Spanish speaking skills for their careers and real life. If it all sounds like “mumbo jumbo” when a Spanish speaker talks to you, and you would like to change that while you improve your Workplace Spanish skills, then, this podcast is for you. It is a learning tool with practice materials for those who already know a little about the basics, but struggle to understand when native Spanish speakers talk to them, or when they hear them speak on television or in movies.
Phrases: 350 Phrases related to COVID-19 for Nurses in Spanish - SPJ 029
In this session we will review a list of phrases related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic that can be useful for nurses and Doctors who need to interact with patients at work. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/29/
Jul 25, 2020
1 hr 23 min
Vocabulary: 250 Coronavirus related Words for Nurses and Doctors - COVID-19 - Dual Spanish - SPJ 028
In this session we will review list of vocabulary words related to COVID-19 that can be useful for nurses who need to interact with patients at work. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/28/
May 22, 2020
40 min
Listening: Mission Trip Volunteer and Local Mom (Podcast) - Dual Spanish - SPJ 027
In this session, you can practice your Spanish comprehension skills with a Conversation between a Mission Trip Volunteer and a Local Mom. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/27/
Jul 20, 2019
29 min
Listening: Construction Worker and Project Manager (Podcast) - Dual Spanish - SPJ 026
In this session, you can practice your Spanish comprehension skills with a Conversation between a Construction Worker and a Project Manager. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/26/
Jan 4, 2019
37 min
Listening: Dialogue between a Nurse and a Patient (Podcast) – Dual Spanish – SPJ 025
In this session, you can practice your Spanish comprehension skills with a Dialogue between a Nurse and a Patient at the Hospital. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/25/
Jul 24, 2017
16 min
Listening: Dialogue between a Customer Service Representative and the Buyer of a Printer (Podcast) – Dual Spanish – SPJ 024
In this session, you can practice your Spanish comprehension skills with a Customer Service Representative and the Buyer of a Printer. This Dual Conversational Spanish Practice is designed to help you understand spoken Spanish. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/24/
Jun 3, 2017
32 min
Listening: The Day of the Dead in Mexico (Podcast) – Dual Spanish – SPJ 023
In this session, you can practice your Spanish comprehension skills with an article about the Day of the Dead in Mexico, who was one of the most important actors in Mexico. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/23/
Nov 3, 2016
18 min
Phrases: 22 Phrases in Spanish for Teachers (Podcast) – Dual Spanish – SPJ 022
In this session, we will review a list of phrases in Spanish Teachers could use at work when talking with patients. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/22/
Oct 6, 2016
11 min
Listening: Dialogue of a Father in Law and a Son in Law (Podcast) – Dual Spanish – SPJ 021
In this session, practice your Spanish comprehension skills with a dialogue between a Father in Law and a Son in Law. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/21/
Sep 7, 2016
18 min
Listening: The Biography of Pedro Infante (Podcast) – Dual Spanish – SPJ 020
In this session, you can practice your Spanish comprehension skills with an article about the Biography of Pedro Infante, who was one of the most important actors in Mexico. Find more at: https://spanishforyourjob.com/20/
Jul 30, 2016
13 min
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