LeadHer Founder Christie Love shares five routines that she uses to be more productive and effective in leadership and life.
May 1, 2014
18 min
LeadHer Founder Christie Love shares her secrets to managing time and being productive.
Apr 1, 2014
20 min
Christie and Dianne are passionate about the importance of women understanding their purpose in life. In this podcast they will share an exercise with you to help you begin to craft your own personal purpose statement to
Mar 1, 2014
28 min
Christie Love and Dianne Guthmuller talk about the importance of leading ladies being willing to leave their comfort zones.
Feb 1, 2014
24 min
Helping women apply the power of Proverbs 29:18 to their leadership and learn to evaluate with this important truth in mind.
Jan 1, 2014
22 min