Leadership worth sharing Podcast

Leadership worth sharing

ACEVO chief executive Vicky Browning talks to civil society CEOs about their careers, their experiences and what leadership means to them.
Leading a campaigning organisation, with Nicci Russell (Waterwise)
In this episode, Jane Ide talks to Nicci Russell, CEO of Waterwise, about leading a campaigning organisation, getting involved with ACEVO’s climate action group, becoming a 4 day week organisation and why learning to jive is better than dancing the Argentine tango. Transcript available: https://www.acevo.org.uk/resources/podcast/
Feb 2, 2024
39 min
Being bold and being vulnerable, with Jo Youle (Missing People)
Episode transcript: https://www.acevo.org.uk/resources/podcast/ Welcome to Leadership Worth Sharing, a podcast in which ACEVO chief executive Jane Ide chats with civil society leaders about their professional experiences, challenges, wellbeing, and their journeys in the sector. In this episode, Jane talks to Jo Youle, chief executive of Missing People, the UK charity for anyone affected by missing or thinking of going missing. They talk about being bold, being vulnerable, and balancing playing by music with playing by ear.
Jun 16, 2023
35 min
Leading an infrastructure organisation, with Sarah Vibert (NCVO)
Episode transcript: https://www.acevo.org.uk/resources/podcast/ Welcome to Leadership Worth Sharing, a podcast in which ACEVO chief executive Jane Ide chats with civil society leaders about their professional experiences, challenges, wellbeing, and their journeys in the sector. In this episode, Jane talks to Sarah Vibert, chief executive of NCVO, the largest membership body for charities in the UK.
Sep 30, 2022
26 min
Bringing your whole self to work, with Raakhi Shah (The Circle)
Read transcript: https://www.acevo.org.uk/resources/podcast/ Welcome to Leadership Worth Sharing, a podcast in which ACEVO chief executive Jane Ide chats with civil society leaders about their professional experiences, challenges, wellbeing, and their journeys in the sector. ACEVO chief executive Jane Ide talks to Raakhi Shah, CEO of The Circle, a global feminist organisation that fights for the rights and supports the safety of the most vulnerable women and girls across the world.
Jul 15, 2022
31 min
The value of being different, with James Watson-O'Neill (SignHealth)
Full transcript: https://www.acevo.org.uk/resources/podcast/ In this episode, Vicky talks to James Watson-O’Neill, chief executive of Sign Health, the Deaf health charity. They talk about the value of being different, how being a trustee can help CEOs to be better leaders, and what chief execs and actors have in common.
Apr 8, 2022
32 min
Class: the forgotten dimension of diversity, with Sarah Atkinson (Social Mobility Foundation)
Full transcript: https://www.acevo.org.uk/resources/podcast/ In the first episode of 2022, Vicky hands the podcast reins over to ACEVO’s head of influencing Alan Lally-Francis. Alan talks to Sarah Atkinson, CEO of the Social Mobility Foundation, about the work the organisation does to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in their professional journeys, the importance of charities participating in the social mobility index, class, and why being a mentor can help us become better leaders.
Mar 4, 2022
38 min
Inspiring change, with Yvonne Field (Ubele Initiative)
Transcript: https://www.acevo.org.uk/2021/12/leadership-worth-sharing-yvonne-field-ceo-of-the-ubele-initiative/  In the last episode of 2021, Vicky Browning speaks to Yvonne Field, chief executive of Ubele Initiative, the social enterprise supporting the sustainability of the African Diaspora community. They talk about the similarity and differences of leading community activism in the 80s and today, those cataclysmic moments that inspire change, and how the next generation of leaders will continue the fight for social justice.
Dec 10, 2021
37 min
The climate emergency special
Transcript: https://www.acevo.org.uk/resources/podcast/ Welcome to this special episode of our podcast, Leadership Worth Sharing, in which three of our climate working group members talk about what they have been doing at their organisations to tackle the climate emergency. You will hear from Emma Gibson, Director of London Travel Watch, Janet Thorne, CEO of Reach Volunteering, and Gus Alston, CEO of the Stonegrove Community Trust about their first steps, challenges and motivation to get the work started.
Nov 11, 2021
36 min
Using economics to better understand ourselves, with Matt Whittaker (Pro Bono Economics)
Full transcript: https://www.acevo.org.uk/resources/podcast/ In this episode, Vicky speaks to Matt Whittaker, chief executive of Pro Bono Economics. They talk about whether economists can act as a Google Translate service between charities and the treasury, how we can use data to know ourselves, and how to make it unacceptable for politicians and policymakers to talk about the future of the country without including the social sector.
Oct 21, 2021
32 min
Thinking about the future beyond Covid-19 with Michelle Mitchell (CR UK)
Transcript: https://www.acevo.org.uk/2021/09/leadership-worth-sharing-michelle-mitchell-ceo-of-cancer-research-uk/ In this episode, Vicky Browning speaks to Michelle Mitchell, CEO of Cancer Research UK. They talk about how the pandemic changed the way we make decisions, how we can now start to think about the future beyond Covid-19, and what leaders and Olympic athletes have in common.
Sep 12, 2021
36 min
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