"Shine On, WV" founder and director Jillian Carney Howell joins Nate this week to talk about the joys and challenges of building a brand that celebrates creatives from our home state.
With guests like Justin McElroy, Tijah Bumgarner, Zaiver Sinnett, and more, Shine On is amassing an audience dedicated to supporting creatives of all types from the Mountain State.
Follow Shine On, WV:
Aug 23, 2023
28 min

The strike continues, so we are bringing you more conversations with creatives working in the entertainment industry. Afsheen Misaghi is a working actor that has appeared in shows on HBO, CBS, NBC, and countless stage productions. He also has a second life as a Broadway producer, which has earned him a Tony nomination. I wanted to talk to him about AI, his digital double, and more. We get into the mechanics and financials of being a working actor in 2023.
Follow Afsheen:
Aug 16, 2023
31 min

Hollywood screenwriters kicked off the 2023 strike demanding better pay and conditions in an ever changing media landscape. The looming threat of AI, opaque success metrics, and an inconsistent approach towards writing shows for streaming; this is the state of the industry when writer Sohany Singh (NBC, Hulu) started to find her place in a writer's room. So what does her career, industry, and future look like today? We chat about all things Hollywood screenwriting with up and coming writer Sohany Singh.
Aug 11, 2023
31 min

We are joined by stand up comedian, booker, and wildman Cody Cannon. He is here to talk about building his multi-town comedy network "Red Eye Comedy" throughout the state of West Virginia. Cody is bringing comedians you've heard of to places you've never heard of, and selling West Virginia while he does it. The co-host of Comics and Chronic and touring stand up has put on a yearly comedy festival, regular open mics for regional performers, and only plans to grow as comedian. Listen to us talk about developing comedy rooms in one of the most rural places in America.
(The podcast "I Was of Never There" we mentioned)
Aug 2, 2023
34 min

The inaugural episode! We are joined by actor Wildlin Pierrevil (@notwildlin on tiktok), who has amassed nearly 400,000 followers across platforms for his short form videos while he breaks into Hollywood at the most tumultuous time in history. We talk about the ongoing WGA/SAG strikes, how they are playing out on social media, and how to shape your career when opportunities are not guaranteed.
Hosted by Nate Cesco
A Lateland Podcast
Jul 26, 2023
31 min

Introducing Lateland Labs, a media podcast for nerds like you.
This comedy podcast spans the wide world of the media industry with commentary, news coverage, interviews, and like a stupid amount of jokes. Maybe too many. We’ll sort it out.
Lateland Labs is a half hour show all about the companies and people that shape the entertainment we consume. From the tumultuous streaming TV business, to rural comedy shows, host & comedian @natecesco (somehow) covers it all.
It’s quite the time for the media industry. Labor disputes, Generative AI, major gaming acquisitions, streaming services burning billions, and how does Disney CEO Bob Iger look so good for 72? All things we will be tackling on this podcast. (Hint: Bob has 300 million dollars)
On top of that Nate will be talking with indie creators, media startups, musicians, game devs, journalists, and more. All of them looking to make something cool in a crowded landscape.
If you consume media, and ever wanted a soft intro into the world of creators that make it for you, this is the pod for you.
It’s like Succession for idiots.
Jul 12, 2023
1 min