Today we have a couple special guests under the age of 2. Birdie and Gus! Do SGLT2 inhibitors improve diuresis in acute heart failure? Are they better than metformin for reducing cardiovascular mortality? Is high dose dexamethasone better than standard dose in ICU patients with COVID? We also talk about outcomes in patients with isolated distal DVT compared to proximal DVT, a large case series of patients with monkeypox infection, blood donor outcomes and the outcomes for surgeons who operated the night before. Check it out! SGLT2-Inhibitors for Acute Heart FailureCardiovascular Outcomes for SGLT-2 Inhibitors vs MetforminCOVIDICUS Trial Isolated Distal DVT OutcomesMonkeypox Case SeriesMortality in Patients Undergoing Blood TransfusionPerioperative Outcomes for Surgeons Who Operated the Night BeforeMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
Jul 22, 2022
44 min

Today we are joined by Dr. Brian Locke to talk about multiple new critical care trials, including the CLASSIC trial of a restrictive vs standard fluid strategy, the LOVIT trial of vitamin C in septic shock, and the PREPARE-II trial of fluid bolus at the time of intubation to prevent cardiovascular collapse. We also look at whether 72 hours of antibiotics are safe in patients with neutropenic fever, whether hospitalist workload affects patient length of stay, and what kind of careers general internists are pursuing over the last decade. Restrictive Fluids for Septic ShockShort vs Standard Antibiotics for Neutropenic FeverIV Vitamin C for Septic ShockVitamin C Meta-analysisHospitalist Workload and Patient Length of StayFluid Bolus for IntubationGeneral Internist Practice ChoicesGenetically Modified Porcine to Human Cardiac XenotransplantationMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
Jun 24, 2022
54 min

Today we had Dr. Patricia Liu to talk about a new study from Journal of Hospital Medicine on the management of opioid use disorder in the hospital. And then we got a little carried away covering way too many articles! Inpatient Management of Opioid Use DisorderHepatitis C Care for People Who Inject DrugsFinal SOLIDARITY trial results for RemdesivirTAVI for Moderate Risk Severe Aortic StenosisMediterranean Diet vs Low Fat Diet for Secondary Prevention of CVDSteroids for IgA NephropathyGLP-1 Agonists and Gallbladder DiseasePig to Human Kidney XenotransplantationAspirin for Primary Prevention of CVDMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
May 25, 2022
58 min

Today, Dr. James Fang, Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Utah, and AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline Committee Member, joins us to talk about the new heart failure guidelines, published in April 2022. We talk about the new classifications, including HF with improved EF and HF with mildly reduced EF, and new recommendations for medical therapy for all the heart failure types. How do you start someone on GDMT? Who should get SGLT-2 inhibitors? How can we get more people on ARNIs? Dr. Fang provides lots of clinical pearls and practical wisdom for applying these new recommendations. Check it out! 2022 Heart Failure GuidelinesMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
May 4, 2022
32 min

Dr. Brian Locke is back to talk about that "nonrandomized" proning trial. We also talk about the new oral carbapenem for UTI trial, whether 1-2 months of DAPT is non-inferior to 12 months of DAPT, whether less than 1500 mg of sodium reduces heart failure hospitalizations, the risk of anaphylaxis from IV iron, and whether pickle juice is effective for treating cramps in cirrhosis. Check it out! Oral Tebipenem vs IV Ertapenem for Complicated UTIAwake Proning for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients1-2 Months of DAPT vs 12 months of DAPT vs ACSLow Sodium Diet for Heart FailureEstimating Excess Mortality due to COVID-19Risk of Anaphylaxis from IV Iron Pickle Juice for Cramps in CirrhosisMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
Apr 23, 2022
50 min

Today we have Dr. Brian Locke back on to talk about asthma management and a new trial of reliever-triggered inhaled glucocorticoids for Black and Latinx patients with asthma. Other questions we try to answer: Does methenamine prevent recurrent UTIs in women? Should CT coronary scan be done before invasive coronary angiography? Does melatonin prevent delirium in ICU patients? How good are patients at interpreting home COVID tests? What is the most common cause of type 2 NSTEMI? Give it a listen and find out! Reliever Triggered Inhaled Glucocorticoid Therapy in Black and Latinx Asthma PatientsMethenamine vs Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infection Prophylaxis CT vs Invasive Coronary Angiography for Stable Chest Pain Melatonin for Delirium Prevention in ICU Patients Consumer Interpretation for At-Home COVID TestsBinax Rapid Test vs PCR for Sars-CoV-2 InfectionCharacteristics of Type 2 NSTEMIsMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
Mar 22, 2022
1 hr 5 min

We finally have the published trial results for Paxlovid! We also look at the latest trial showing the ivermectin is ineffective in treating COVID-19 and one year outcomes in ICU COVID-19 patients. We also look at a meta-analysis of trials looking at different diagnostic strategies for ruling out PE, a retrospective study of thiamine use in ICU patients with alcohol use disorder, and a new study on pulse oximetry in people with different skin color. Check it out! Paxlovid for High Risk, Nonhospitalized Patients with COVID-19Ivermectin for Mild to Moderate COVID-19 County-Level Prescriptions for Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and Presidential 2020 Voting Patterns Diagnostic Strategies for Ruling out PEThiamine Use in ICU Patients with Alcohol Use DisorderRacial Disparities in Hypoxemia Detection with Pulse Oximetry Vitamin D and MortalityMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
Feb 25, 2022
42 min

Today we are joined by Dr. Brian Locke to talk about the newest big trial on IV fluids in critically ill patients and a meta-analysis that looks at all the similar trials. Is this question finally settled?We also look at PICC lines vs midlines, IV L-ornithine L-aspartate in acute treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, a new ward-based program for delirium prevention in older inpatients, post-discharge thromboprophylaxis for high risk COVID patients, and whether mindfulness training can help burnout in residents.Balanced Multielectrolyte Solution vs Normal Saline in Critically Ill Patients (PLUS)Balanced Crystalloid vs Normal Saline Meta-analysisPICC lines vs MidlinesApixaban vs Rivaroxaban for Recurrent VTE LOLA for Hepatic EncephalopathyEat-Walk-Engage in Older Inpatients (CHERISH)Rivaroxaban for Post-discharge Prophylaxis in High Risk COVID patients (MICHELLE)Mindfulness Training and BurnoutMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
Jan 28, 2022
49 min

It's our last episode in 2021! This episode we have Dr. Libo Wang and Dr. Jon Harrison on to talk about their new paper in the Annals of Internal Medicine about ultrasound JVP for estimating CVP, validated with right heart catheterization. We also ask them their thoughts on a new meta-analysis looking at metoprolol vs diltiazem for atrial fibrillation with RVR. We also look at a new large retrospective study of apixaban vs rivaroxaban for stroke prevention, a study looking at reducing sleep interruptions in the hospital, and two new outpatient therapies for COVID-19 infection. Happy New Year! Ultrasound JVP for estimating CVPIV Diltiazem vs Metoprolol for A fib with RVRMajor Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Events in Apixaban vs Rivaroxaban for AFReducing Sleep Interruptions in Hospitalized Patients Early Remdesivir for Outpatient COVID-19Molnupiravir for Outpatient COVID-19Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
Dec 31, 2021
1 hr 11 min

Somehow we got through 7 articles today, and none of them are about COVID-19! Happy Thanksgiving! Chlorthalidone in CKDMilvexian for VTE PreventionRisk of Recurrent VTE in Subsegmental PERivaroxaban associated with higher rates of GI bleedingDepression and ResidencyMental-Stress Induced Myocardial IschemiaPatient Outcomes for Part Time HospitalistsMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):https://uppbeat.io/t/soundroll/dopeLicense code: NP8HLP5WKGKXFW2R
Nov 25, 2021
59 min
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