Las Hermanas Con Ganas Podcast Podcast

Las Hermanas Con Ganas Podcast

Las Hermanas Con Ganas Podcast
LHCG is a Houston Latina podcast hosted by three young Mexican-American sisters. Topics that we will touch base on are: lifestyle, culture, love, and bringing awareness to other Latinx-owned businesses. So relax, grab your cafécito and tune in!
Make Peace
We are ending our first season (woot woot) with a topic that we all have experienced in our lives. Experiencing a destroyed or toxic relationship, friendship, or even a relationship with family could be hard at times; but learning to forgive and make peace with that person is the BEST resolution that a human can do. Stay tuned and hear more ways of how to make peace! Much love, LHCG!! 
Oct 28, 2020
28 min
Machismo Mindset
Hi, everyone! We're back this week with a Spanish word that is most common in Latin America. We'll be giving the definition and point of views to what a "machismo" means. We are also looking forward to adding a part 2 next week!
Oct 15, 2020
37 min
Hispanic Heritage Month
In this episode, we will be discussing about our very first GIVEAWAY, which we will be announcing the winner on our Episode 8. Also, we discussed how it is being Mexican American and how we were raised by our parents, including a special guest, our mother. 
Oct 1, 2020
47 min
Latina Entrepreneur: Ilse Gonzalez
On this episode, we sit down and talk with Ilse Gonzalez. She is a three time Lone Star Emmy winner, Social Media Consultant and Coach, and President/CEO of Connect Media Firm. Ilse shares her journey from graduating from the University to Houston to becoming an entrepreneur. Connect media firm is a Latina-Owned business where she helps businesses connect with their clients through strategy driven marketing services. If you are interested in seeing her creativity and outstanding work, be sure to check her out on Instagram: or 
Sep 24, 2020
34 min
Making the Best Out of Your 20s
On this episode, we touch base on how to make the best out your 20s. 20s is the decade where we learn the most about ourselves. It is the time where it is ok to mess up and get back up. Live your 20s to the fullest and don't look back!
Sep 17, 2020
35 min
On this episode, we tackle the subject of "Self-Loathing." Self-loathing is a strong hatred towards oneself. We talk about our personal experience with it and how we are learning to overcome it. Everyone goes through this phase, so you are not alone! You are more than what your inner voices tell you. 
Sep 10, 2020
20 min
What It's Like to Date as a Millennial
Episode 4 consists of what it is like to be a millennial in the dating world. Nowadays, young people seem to embrace single life or are having difficulties in finding their soulmate. Las Hermanas Con Ganas' main focus was to get a perspective from a male and a female's point of view.  So with that being said, they brought in a special guest, Joseph Silva. 
Sep 3, 2020
33 min
Accepting to be Perfectly Imperfect
On episode 3, we share how we accepted to be perfectly imperfect. We shared personal experience on to accept mistakes and/or our flaws along with a few tips on how to overcome them. Please stay safe during Hurricane Laura, we are praying for everyone's safety. LHGS!
Aug 27, 2020
21 min
2020 Vision
In this episode, we talk about our personal 2020 vision. We mention how COVID-19 has shifted our goals and how we still manage to keep a positive mindset. Make the best out of these last 5 months!
Aug 20, 2020
27 min
We are excited to launch our first episode August 20th! New episodes will be released every Thursday. Follow us on Instagram for more updates at: @lashermanasconganas.
Aug 18, 2020
35 sec