Knights of the Light Table Podcast
Knights of the Light Table
Pablo Leon and Trevor Finney
KOTLT 45: Interview with Mila director Cinzia Angelini and producer Andrea Emmes - episode of Knights of the Light Table podcast

KOTLT 45: Interview with Mila director Cinzia Angelini and producer Andrea Emmes

1 hour 12 minutes Posted May 2, 2016 at 3:00 pm.
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Show notes

In this episode, we had the unique pleasure of speaking with

Cinzia Angelini and Andrea Emmes, director and producer
respectively of Mila, an upcoming short film that follows the story
of a little girl enveloped in the tragedy of war. This short film
is a tremendous undertaking and has brought together 250 artists
from 25 countries all across the world! Cinzia and Andrea share a
lot of incredible insight about the process of creating such a
deeply moving story, and such a massive project.

Unfortunately near the end of the recording Cinzia's audio cuts

out a bit, we apologize for the loss in quality and hope you're
still able to understand her message!

Be sure to enter into their contest
for a chance to win some
gorgeous prizes and support them all at once!

Links mentioned:

Who Is Mila




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Seriously, we really want hear your thoughts and keep the

conversation going!

You can reach us on Twitter! @KOTLTpodcast

Email us at [email protected]

or each of us individually at

@ArtsyPabster, @FuzzyPuppets,  @HappyQuips



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