Kinsella On Liberty
Kinsella On Liberty
Stephan Kinsella
KOL032 | On the Bill Handel Show Discussing Blackmail, Tiger Woods, David Letterman (2009)
13 minutes Posted Mar 13, 2013 at 10:04 pm.
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Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 032.

I was a guest on the Bill Handel Show in late 2009 discussing the libertarian perspective on blackmail, with reference to the Tiger Woods and other cases. (See my post Blackmail should be legal: the case of David Letterman.) We also touched on common law versus legislation [see my Legislation and the Discovery of Law in a Free Society], intellectual property, reputation rights and defamation law, prostitution, and extortion. Handel, though apparently not a libertarian, was a very smart and fair host.