King's of B.S. Podcast

King's of B.S.

Noah Anderson
Just a couple of BS'ers shooting the S and talking sports, pop culture, and stories from our own lives. We all talk BS with our pals, this is just how we do it, enjoy!
Episode 3 - B.S. On A Wednesday
Quick turn around for this one, but we break things up from just Wrestling talk. Some BS about N's anger and how it comes from his childhood experience getting hit in the head with a basketball net and then we even talk some CycleBall? Yeah CycleBall. We sprinkle in some Master's BS and then even talk some baseball. Be on the lookout for a new episode upcoming this weekend. 
Apr 6, 2023
27 min
Episode 2 - Mania Fantasy Booking - How Did We Do?
In Ep. 2 we fantasy book WM 34 and we have a special guest drop by for the last few matches. We recorded this pre-mania, so your job is to comment and let us know how we did? (I know how we did, but what do you think based on how the matches went?)Ep. 3 coming later this week.
Apr 5, 2023
45 min
Episode 1 - Hello From The King’s of BS
First episode! We get into some WBC baseball, WWE, and some MLB talk along with our regular BS'in. Enjoy and look for new episodes as we drop'em. Remember to keep BS'in!
Mar 23, 2023
41 min